what's your opinion on the magazine 'stereo review'??

i started reading 'stereo review' back in the early 70's untill they retired. i used to buy their magazine every month. whatever i know about stereo equipment is what i've read in their magazine! any thoughts after all these years???
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Apparently all you have to do around here is utter the word closed-minded and Look 👀 who shows up.
High Fidelity and Audio (remember them?) were better! But Brit publication HiFi News And Record Review (started in 1956) set a high mark for reviewers. And still remains active today!
Huh? Give me a break! Those Brit publications can’t hold a candle to US publications. Or to 6 Moons.
6 Mooons! LOL! That's some real audio porn! I get my fix from reading IAR and Sound Practices. Plus Glass Audio and Vacuum Tube Valley! All, alas, sadly defunct.