Audio Aero Prima DAC


Did anyone already heard this AA Prima DAC MKII ? I want to combine with Metronome T20 drive, B&W 805 Signature and Classic amps.


It's not that I dislike them. I like, for my ears, the Passion Integre and the JRDG Cocentra II best. I didn't, to be fair, give the Perreaux or the Plinus long listens, but they didn't excite me (could be, of course, the associated equipment) as much as the Passion. The Passion is a pretty toasty 100 SS watts. Hey, it don't matter what I like. Your ears are the deal. There may be some (though, I find that hard to believe) who found/find the Passion lacking in something here or there. Go figure. happy listening...

I got a question...Have you heard the Perreaux Radiance R200i, or the Reference 200iP integrated amps??

I have, as I have owned both(still own the R200i), also heard the YBA Passion, and I don't know where you get this "your prima deserves better" thing. They are different, but I do not think the YBA is better than either Perreaux.

By the way, the 200iP is a little warm sounding, with some body to it. The R200i is quiter, more neutral, with a little more detail.
I got the Plinius 8200P on a trial basis and compared it to Perreaux E160. Perreaux is too smooth for me, Plinius gives lots of detail but with enough 'body'. Think I'll stick with Plinius, but it will be the new P8 or SA 201.

When I said "deserve" better, perhaps those were the wrong words. Like you said, it's not better, just different. It's a huge difference to me. I'm a Yba fan, from way back. I haven't listened to the units you're talking about. I'm sure they are wonderful. Nobody takes one audiophool seriously. peace, warren

Plinius is also very good. I have a friend back in Puerto Rico that owns Plinius amp and preamp, from their newer line, and he wouldn't change a thing on his system.

As for Perreaux, I had the E160i for a little while (on trial basis), before buying the 200iP. The one thing that stood out as soon as I had the 200iP was how much effortless the 200iP was. The 200iP had better detail too(not a huge difference though). But again, the thing that stood out was how much more effortless and dynamic the 200iP was. I don't know if you're a bass kind of guy, but all I got to say about the Perreaux's bass is WOW. I thought the 200iP's bass was much better than that of the Krell integrated amp(I think it was the KAV300i) when I had them side to side for comparison. Actually I thought the 200iP was just hands down all around better than the Krell, for my tastes.

When I moved to the R200i (their top of the line integrated) I had an even further gain in detail, and most of all, the R200i is really quiet. Its funny cause I never fully understood what reviewers meant when they were talking about "quietness" until I brought the R200i home. Its a real difficult thing to explain, to me at least. The R200i is also a little more neutral, or maybe a better word is more accurate.

Anyway I hope you enjoy whatever gear you decide to buy a whole lot.