Reducing Humming Sound

Hello all!

I am using a Tripp-Lite LCR2400 AC line conditioner in my system.  I am very happy with it and the peace of mind it offers me with regards to not only protecting my equipment, but insuring the power I'm getting is clean and stable.

This unit is known to have an audible hum to's not very loud, but it can be heard faintly in a quiet room. When playing music, the hum is not noticeable at all.

If I were to attempt to reduce this hum, would opening the unit up and affixing sound deadening material (like Dynamat) to the interior of the case/chasis/cover be a good solution?  Normally, I would go ahead and give this a try, but since there is such a high level of electricity being handled by this unit, I don't want to do anything that would be dangerous once I plug it in and turn it back on.

Thanks for any feedback,

I'm not trying to be insulting or anything, we all don't know everything and it's ok to be wrong or not understand something. This is more out of concern for your safety and the fact you are asking the question you are.

DO NOT place any material inside the unit. You can and likely will start an electrical fire. More importantly, unless you have training and strong knowledge, you should not even open the unit and touch anything. Some electrical devices can hold a deadly charge even if unplugged for many hours. As an example, look up CRT tube anodes.

When in doubt about potentially dangerous things, whether it's risk to the equipment or especially yourself, find a professional. Being humble is better than being dead.
A device similar to the Emotiva is made in Minnesota by Audio by Van Alstine. I have three of them. I may or may not have the best sounding system on Audiogon, but I’m pretty sure I have one of the quietest rooms, and I do not like hum that I can hear during quiet parts of the music.
I have 3 2400 tripp lite, they all make noise. Yup, open one up you can get bit pretty good.  I was thinking an enclosures outside the room for me.

I haven't quite figured out what to do yet either. I do notice it.  Those thing are a bit noisy though.. I wonder if a variac would quiet them down. You know a volt or two on the input side, up or down.? Just a thought..
Second, mine you can push down pretty hard on the case and they do quiet down a bit..Bag of lead shot, stand on it, tough to get in a listening position with one foot on each conditioner, what about the third one, I don't want to go there..LOL

Thanks all for your suggestions!

I had always been a little bit leary about opening up this unit due to well, the possibility of death, but thought there might be an instance of someone who actually did what is was suggesting. I’m glad I asked before jumping in!

I will try dampening, externally, the unit in some way. Like I said, the hum isn’t particularly loud, so if I can apply some weight/pressure effectively, it should help a lot. I will also look at that Emotiva’s not that expensive, very doable. 
Thanks again and hope you are all doing well!

P.S. I had a TrippLite unit about 15 years ago. I got rid of it because it hummed. Looks like nothing has changed.