Record Store Day postponed due to Corona Virus

I really do not think ANYBODY who has actually ever lived in Europe would wish they now lived there after living in the USA, no matter what.
Funny. Incredibly stupid, but funny.

Sounds like wishful thinking, Mr. Potato Head.
Tell me that again in two weeks’ time.
You won’t have to wait that long for me to call you Mr. Potato Head. 🥔  The US mortality rate is going down. ⬇️ Italy’s is going up. 🔝

I have a hard time telling if you are truly trying to be serious or just winding us up?
No offense meant but as somebody who has lived in multiple continents I know EXACTLY where I want to be now, tomorrow and the rest of my time on this planet.

Of course my opinions only, you are most welcome to yours
Thank you and have a blessed day.
Strange that there are 3 million American Ex-Pats that want to stay there
till the day they death do them part..

I was in Germany in the Army for 6 years . MANY guys took their discharge there and are still there .When I was in Berlin many Brits doing their National Service Service stayed there as well . Working class soldiers could not believe how much better German workers had it compared to English workers !

Herr uberwaltz just set a new most stupid post ever record .

Don’t be a hater, Schubert. Be a lover. 💕 Arbeit macht frei