Lumin X1 or dCS Bartok

Both of these beasts look like they could be that “forever purchase”. These are basically the newest offerings from both well respected companies and are within spitting distance of each other price wise  (without the Bartok headphone option installed). Anybody heard both and able to comment?
Schelle, have you used the  upsampling/cross conversion tab in the Lumin? 

Most of our clients prefer running their X1 with the PCM 44k tab set to DSD 128 which usually makes the Lumin' sound more liquid.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealers
I prefer my X1 playing files in their native format and resolution. I'm not sure how it would be possible to sound more liquid than it does already!
Ross a set of Critical Mass Centerstage footers will also make a huge difference. 
Thanks, I will have a look at them. I tried the Isoacoustic footers but prefer it without. 
I upsampled pcm 44k to dsd 128. I hardly heard any difference. Maybe with top level headphones? Same applies to Bartok, settings do not have an impact for me