Emotiva not so good

Emotiva amps are good until you hear another brand in the same space.
Best gear for the money but is pretty cold and hard on speakers if you accidentally clip. I have a pt 100/a 300 combo that has been pretty good. Just got a McIntosh MA252 and the difference is profound... The mac is superb but also much more money. DG

Back in 2008 or 2009 they were best gear for the money, but a lot has happened since then( I bought their XPA-3 for $519, it was barely worth it sonically).  One, they have moved the majority of their assembly to the US, and therefore the prices have risen sharply.  Two, Schiit Audio has put out 2 amps that both smoke anything that Emotiva has put out.  Then there are a half dozen other start ups that make some very intriguing amps.

And of course, Adcom is still making new amps and I've now tried 3 of them.   Way cheaper than Emotiva's XPA line and with way better specs.  Very good sounding for the money.  Outlaw Audio's entry level multi channel amps are also stronger and with better specs.  

Bottom line, the marketplace changed and Emotiva is now just another option.  Dan L, owner of Emotiva, is a business guy first, not an audio guy first, and it shows.
I've got the XPA2's and the Gen 1 DAC with a Parrasound preamp and another of the 2ch Gen 1's.  Ok for the money.   The mono blocks can't drive my rebuilt AR9's.  Anything below 4 ohms ....trip.  Someday I would like to get some Bryston mono's but for now I'll have to try my recapped Hafler XL600's maybe in mono and see how it goes, I just hate the fans though.  lol. 
Emotiva has a really sweet sounding... company owner who touts it on You Tube.  I am not surprised that it is OK for home theater.  What isn't? 
Had an XPA2 and it was good. Just... good. Nothing to write home about, not very musical, just... there. Replaced it with a Bryston 2B and some others, including Anthem, vintage Samsung 9090, and a Peachtree amp. I settled on KEF LS50W powered speakers with a music server and am very happy. I do use some Schiit products too, which are sonically quite good. I also have a Emotiva CD player sitting in a closet gathering dust. 
Hi,  I also had an XPA2.  It was my first 'nice' stereo amp.  Replaced it with a Classe CA-2300 ex demo.  Wow.  Bye Bye Emotiva.  It was ok for the cost.  Yes the Parasound Halo also nice, a sweet spot in the market I think.  All of these are heavy...I have just heard the Mola Mola Kalugas.
My impression of class D has changed!