Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear friends: The main subject in this thread is exactly its title.

In the past I already tested almost all the very expensive " snake oil " caps to know which is better, unfortunatelly all are more colored than a true cap.

Today I’m using my first true capacitor that are the WIMA ones but I can’t be sure if Wima achieves the thread title subject till I test other true caps contenders that can challenge Wima caps.
The only thing I know rigth now is that Wima outperforms with easy any boutique/high end capacitor.

So, I put an order for Kemet, Epcos/TDK and Vishay caps. I will do it step by step as with the Wima.
I ordered the caps for the tweeters and band pass crossover filters.

Btw, I don’t soldered yet the Powertron resistors instead the Duelund I use and I will change it till I finish the whole caps tests/evaluations.

When I tested the Powertron I will report on it. I’m sure it will be a true resistor and not a expensibe " snake oil " resistor as the ones I’m using. We will see if that can be confirmed.

In the mean time good luck for all of you.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Of course that I already ordered the input caps for the amplifiers that I will set up at the end of the overall evaluations and after the Powertron/Vishay resistor tests.

Dear friends : What a challenge for me and my room/system this overall true capacitors evaluation.

Due that all those true capacitors have not the normal snake oil capacitor colorations/distortions we have to have a well trained brain/ears and a real high resolution room/system to be aware of differences in between the different manufacturer true caps.
 Not an easy task to detect it those differences and if your system has not a real high resolution then you just can't say not only the differences but the quality levels of those " tiny "differences if you think exist those differences.

Things are that those true caps ( Wima, Vishay, TDK, Kemet, etc,. ) are caps that makes what it's supposed a cap must does and nothing more.

So and due that in the overall industry exist a fierce competence in between those true caps manufacturers the quality performance levels in between are to close, extremely close.

Rigth now I know that the evaluation will take me a lot more time that I was accustom too. 

At this momnet I'm very satisfied with my decision to pull the triger for all these kind of true caps.
I'm learning a lot and learning why this or that manufacturer took " some " cap design " characteristic and other did it in a diferent way.

Sure that I need more time and hard work with this overall true caps evaluation but what I found out at this begin with let me to order the caps for the mid range speakers crossover as for the woofer too.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Dear friends: Temptation wins over my mind and even that I do not end the crossovers caps tests overall evaluation this week I soldered the Powertron/Vishay resistors instead the Duelund I was using in the speakers. The crossovers comes with two resistors each one.

Well Vishay is Vishay and the differences for the better are nigth and day, nothing less.

Those differences are so high in favor Powertron that I had to re-start the overall caps evaluation.

That " nigth and day " tell me that Duelund is not a snake oil or boutique high end device but a JUNK/TRASH products and I mean it.

I was using that junk passive device following the expert audiophiles and exactly as I followed to the audiophile community with several junk very expensive capacitors.

With Vishay or Wima or Epcos and the like even a deaf gentleman can be aware o0f those very high coloration/distortion levels of all those junk devices against true caps/resistors and all those is not because I say it but because is in that way and you will understand it when you can give you the opportunity to have first hand experiences.

Yes, my resistor/caps humble and true items discovery is a true new audio world discovery no matters what.

Even that I do not finish yet all the caps evaluation my system is performing as I never never in my audio life could imagine or dream can do it to that high quality levels ! ! !. 

Formidable for say the least. This is a true home room/system " live MUSIC " experiences.

Of course that any one of us can decide to stay with the junk or go to the real MUSIC. Please no offense about. I took my caps/resistor decision against what all audiophile community was doing and regarded. I did it with out worry or distress of what any audiophile gentleman could think about my actions.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Yes, I know almost for sure that in the few next years the high-end manufacturers of speakers will follow using those kind of junk/trash crossover passive devices.

I said that because I can’t imagine that Tidal Audio site can shows instead of these crossover passive junk devices used in its 250K+ speakers:

Visay or Wima or Epcos and the like passive devices. Could you imagine that?

At least I can be sure they don’t show it with so proudly attitude as they are doing it. Of course they don't know yet or have the knowledge and experiences I have.

I’m totaly sure too that that same speakers with those humble passive devices in its crossovers will performs better than what they have rigth now, maybe not nigth and day but who really knows.

Well, I really don’t care about, what I care is to follow learning through this lovely and fabulous journey that I think I’m just touching the tip of the iceberg.

This will continue....
