Cartridge Damaged, need advise on getting new

My Dynavector DV-xx2 mk2 s missing the cantilever and stylus, a turntable cleaning accident.

Would like to know what other cartridges I can explore in that price range. About $2k US

I loved the xx2 for its transparency and bass, with very good imaging and soundstage, I believe its strongest feature was its music detail retrieval and bass energy.

Please advise on what you might find in a similar or cheaper price range that might suit my requirements.

Also my tonearm is an opera consonance T1288, see details for cartridge compatibility.

Thanks Guys.
The Karat has a very different cantilever assembly.
You might have a better shot with the dv.

Always worth a call or email.
just reading about the flux damper. Oh. I beat that one, as original problems go... about a decade ago. Longer, actually. Maybe it’s finally time to publish....

Edit, did some searching...
1999 first publish date for the mentioned flux damper patent (XX-1). Which means it expires any day now. Or has. It being 2020 and all that.

If it is good, then the copies will come piling in. Or more correctly, out, into the market.
Doesn't Dynavector have a trade-in program for busted cartridges? You'd get a new one for a reduced price.
They do have a trade in program, I have sent a request to our local supplier, hope its a good deal.
But will also inquire about the retipping option.