Thanks for the information and good advice. I'm just hoping that the new Duke have at least adequate bass w/o a woofer. Would you say the Duke 2 compares well to other stand mount monitor's bass performance? I'm not really a big bass guy. I just want some resonable bottom end. Just for perspective, I was pretty content with my early Quad 63 bass. Most importantly, I value musicality, tonal balance, layering and a speaker that disappears. I have sound anchor stands with changeable feet that will allow for either 24" or 26" height.
I will be using an Ayre Ax-5 amp to drive the Duke 2, and after seeing tubes most often withthe Martens, I'm hoping quality solid state will work well.
I will be using an Ayre Ax-5 amp to drive the Duke 2, and after seeing tubes most often withthe Martens, I'm hoping quality solid state will work well.