Marten Duke 2 anyone own or heard these?

I heard the Duke 2's at the last Newport Beach Stereo Show
and fell in love with the transparency. Any Audiogon members
have or know the voicing of these speakers? I have full range speakers but I'm looking for a bookshelf that is fast but smooth. Not bright and no sibilance with female vocals.
I was looking at the Harbeth 30.1s which I know are smooth but I was really impressed with the Duke 2's at the show.
No local dealers so I cannot audition.
Any comments would be appreciated.

Thanks Ron
I owned the Duke 2's for a short while when I was comparing them to Harbeth HL5's and JM Reynaud Bliss Silvers. My preference in order was:
1) JM Reynaud
2) Marten
3) Harbeth
The Bliss Silvers sounded more natural to me vs the other two. Duke 2 is not a bad speaker, but pretty hefty in price compared to other speakers out there.
I’m 5 years late to the party. The Marten Duke 2 is surely some of the best sounding speakers I have ever heard in this price range. I would agree that they should incredibly smooth at the top without any hint of grain and harshness. The treble is extended and illuminating without sounding bright.
I’m actually rather surprised that the Dukes sound rather warm and rounded at the edges instead of lean and thin. Highly recommended if one is looking for an extremely musical sounding speaker with low listening fatigue to be used in small to medium sized rooms.
Marten Dukes used as rear speakers in Home Theater. The main speakers must be something extraordinary :-)