Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....

Things like the CT-7000 from Yamaha, other Marantz, Magnum, Fisher, Scott or any others.  It would be good for us "tuner people" to hear your experience with older, former SOTA tuners.  Thanks. 
I have a Marantz 2265B I bought back in the early eighties and use it to this day. I bought the Audio enginge B1 and I've connected it the reciver via RCA  So now I connect the B1 to my Samsung S8 phone by bluetooth and listen to streaming to my hearts content 
Interesting timing on this subject...I just trotted out my old Pioneer TX-9500 II that I bought used years ago...great FM of course, I was going to try out different AM antenna options to see what happens...not expecting much...AM is almost ALL about antennas...but what the an unused analog input on my NAD 758 so we'll see...
I am a bit surprised so very few people talk about Accuphase, except 1 or 2 Who had  the oldest ones like the 100 or 101.
 I never tried one myself but know the have a good (at least) réputation for building tunersAre their clients for tuners mainly Japanese or Far East customers ?
I purchased a Meridian 504 tuner but honestly haven't gotten to hook it up yet.
Maybe now with this Corona virus confinement, I'll get to finish the configuration of our system (Meridian 800, Meridian 861v8, Meridian HD621, Oppo UDP205 front end).
More significantly, here's a website that compares tuners:
For some reason, this comes up close to the Meridian 504 tuner review but if you scroll up to the top of the page you'll get to the start of this comparison.
Hope everyone enjoys this site - I have, many times :-)