Beware of NAD M3 Fire Hazard

My $3k NAD M3 started shooting sparks out the top and burned the shelf that was 8" above. Luckily I was home and not sleeping or the house would have burned down. If anyone has one of these I advise them to unplug it when not in use. I took it to two different repair shops and they said it would be about $800 to just get it running and there may be board issues. They advised not to take the gamble. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do with it?
Hi thanks for all the responses. I’ve contacted NAD several times and received this response:

Mar 17, 9:30 AM EDT 

Hi Patrick,
Thank you for contacting NAD Support, and sorry for the delayed response.

Please provide me with the Proof of Purchase of your M3, as well as the statement from the Authorised Service Centre in regards to the M3.

With these I may look into this further.

Thanking you in advance,
Sam R.,
Support Crew Analyst

I sent my Audiogon invoice and United Radio invoice that said “not repaired” and I keep getting the same request (5 times) and I responded each time and then received this response:

Your request (#173469) has been pending for 4 days and has thus been solved. To reopen this request, reply to this email or click the link below:

Any suggestions? Thanks 

The big takeaway for me in this discussion is that I MUST remove all of the explosives I have stashed around my hifi amps...I'm going to put them in my stove.
"The only likely cause for a power filter cap blowing like that is a power surge issue or a mechanical short. The only incident like that I have experienced in decades of commercial installations was when high voltage showed up between neutral and ground on an AC outlet. "

The power surge taking out the diode bridge and allowing AC into the capacitor..

Interesting...I owned a repair shop for 20 years or so way back, when 8086 8088 processors were everywhere.  There was a  3 phase transformer above the one that feed the shop. Everyone around the shop with PC, would loose power supplies, TVs up in smoke, Everything except the store. I had Topaz line conditioners in the shop..I mean top of the line at the time, FREE. got them out of a hospital closure.

They (across the street) had a thing called a Delta stinger, a Large welding / fab shop. One leg was 208-220, I think.  The other two were 110, 220 between the two 110-117 . It was so they (not me) had 480 for their welding shop.They had a transformer in the facility also. 
I'm kinda close on the description. That big transformer shared a common leg, up on the pole I don't recall just how. BUT at night I saw a little light show between the two. I called PGE. they ran a tape on both sides of the Topaz units. Before unit and after. 135-165 VAC spikes whenever they were welding with certain rigs, across the street.  The Topaz units worked perfect. No brownouts no, Overages.  PG&E paid for anyone that had complained. Something to do with that delta stinger setup, the PG&E guys said.. At my house back then, hovered at 105 then spike at night. All fixed now, but dirty AC all kinds of problems, ay..

pwb -- To me it seems obvious they are shining you on. You now have my permission to be like your blown cap and flame the hell out of the company.
The previous versions of my NAD C272 also had exploding caps (currently not in use but has worked well).  Turned out to be cheaply sourced capacitors.  Possibly they did not learn from that mistake.