Really, I was advised it may actually sound even better.
Of course, for this reason there are so many re-tipped cartridges for sale on ebay.
If a re-tipper himself will tell you that after his service it will be better than Dynavector then why he’s not a cartridge designer who can make much better cartridges using his magic parts ?
You’d better read what cartridge designers like J.Carr (Lyra) posted about re-tipping process here on augiogon long time ago, and why it must be avoided if you like the original sound of certain manufacturer (like Dyna for example). Especially if your re-tipper will change the whole cantilever.
And people who always claimed re-tipped cartridge is better than the original can’t even compare original to re-tipped sample, normally they got their re-tipped cartridge in a few month since it was shipped to re-tipper. If you can compare one thing to another with 3-5 month gap between the listening session then you must have some special computer brain.
Normally A/B comparison is the answer to all the question.
P.S. In my opinion it's better to buy another original cartridge. Personally i would never re-tip/refurbish any cartridge if original manufacturer can't service them with original parts.
You can only upgrade very bad cartridges like Denon DL103 with better parts (different cantilever, different stylus profile), but if you cartridge already top class then it's not a good idea. Re-tippers have no idea about calculation made by cartridge designers, the sound can be way off that calculations. J. Carr explained it as a cartridge designers, so i trust him, not a re-tippers.