Need your thoughts on Denon 3910 vs McCormack UDP1

I'm a 2 channel fan who has just expanded to 5.1 with all McCormack electronics, with which I am very pleased. I just bought the 3910 over the UDP1 because of probable better video, more connection and adjustment flexibilty, and lower price.

Early impressions of the 3910 sound quality leaves me unexcited. It just sounds generaly mid-fi, when compared even to my 6 year old Classe CDP.5 which kills it for musicality.

So my options are either trade it back within a week for a UDP, which everyone that has heard it seems to rave about, and accept the no DVI/HDMI, less controls etc. Or eventually send the 3910 in to one of the major mod places, which everyone seems to rave about, and hope it sounds as good as a UDP.

My main frustration is that it seems I have to make this crucial decision without any possible way to actually compare the sound of a UDP to a modified Denon - what would you do?
Ag insider logo xs@2xbbeezley
Avguru: I find it interesting that you mention the Marantz 8400 as one in a group that you prefer--I found the bass to be OK in this unit, but *lacking* in the very bass slam and impact you find lacking in the UDP1. Granted the Marantz is a less expensive player, but surely the UDP1 is better than the Marantz 8400 when it comes to the bass aspects? Are you a salesman who has been able to do good side-by-side comparisons of all these units?
Wow -I'm so glad to see the action pick up on this and related thread next door!
Avguru - DV50's cost, non-universal, "best w/ balanced" all rule it out.
Ears - I just might see if I can readily find the Onkyo for home audition. But if there aren't major mod options, I am very skeptical it could compete with UDP or Exemplar on redbook, and that is the issue that is most driving my decision.
labtec - thanks for such solid advice. I'm leaning to just getting the UDP, but I'm trying to think carefully about the Exemplar angle BEFORE I listen to the UDP crush the stock 3910, fall in love, and end the investigation.

I will have about 1 more week before I have to decide to keep or return the 3910; so far I've simply concluded that the stock unit's redbook and SACD performance is unacceptable for what I'm aiming for.

What I really need is ANYBODY w/ MODDED DENON IN DENVER AREA?? - Come over and help me settle this!
Bbeezley, I think there are only two Exemplar 3910 done thus far. You are welcome to come to College Station soon to hear mine.
My problem with the UDP-1 is with the video secion. If it had HDMI outputs I would buy in a heartbeat. Component doesnt do it for the new digital TVs. I emailed them and they said that they had no plans to come out with an HDMI player anytime soon. I may get my 3910 modded but there are so many modders and no real comparisons of all these mods to figure out which one is the best.