Why the obsession with the lowest octave

From what is written in these forums and elsewhere see the following for instance.

Scroll down to the chart showing the even lowest instruments in this example recording rolling off very steeply at 40 Hz.


It would appear that there is really very little to be heard between 20 and 40 Hz. Yet having true "full range" speakers is often the test of a great speaker. Does anyone beside me think that there is little to be gained by stretching the speakers bass performance below 30-40 cycles?
My own speakers make no apologies for going down to only 28 Hz and they are big floor standers JM Lab Electra 936s.
I completely agree with Vlad. I hooked up the SA last night for the first time. Another brick in the wall never sounded better. The bass was tight, clean and detailed, providing a concert atmosphere. The bass could even be felt at lower listening volumes as the low frequencies pressurized my large living room. What bothered me was just as I had the SA dialed in for one cd, the next either was bass overload or not enough. Hoping to find a middle-ground setting soon.
I am in agreement with the Elizabeth camp. It reminds me of terms as accentuated or exaggerated, as unnaturally occurring (bass). I am VERY happy with my Beauhorn Virtuosos w/ Lowther dx4. No added sub or tweeter needed here. They are powered by 45 or 300b amps. If I DO need a bass fix... Sunn 2000s amp @120watts w/cerwin vega 18" cab. Plus, the standard Fender (tweed) champ @ 3.5 watts w/volume knob which goes to "twelve"! No macho-ness here.
I'm actually trying to find an answer to a technical problem along these same lines (please don;t ask why, it's complicated). I need to apply a change to my passive crossover to begin rolling off my speakers at 40Hz so that they are down quite a bit at 30Hz.

Anyone have a schematic or an explaination of how to implement this on my crossover?

Bob, implementing this highpass in a post-amp crossover will require some really large values. To design this correctly would take knowledge of the drivers and the network in use. It would make sense for a poll that low in frequency to look to an active line level crossover solution. There are good ones for a couple hundred bucks.
I agree, it's not possible in a crossover. I'd need a cap as big as a house. I'm going to implemnt a line level high pass filter and see how that experiment works out for me.
