I wouod like a power cord recomendation that's in the budget category

I have just purchased a new to me from Audiogon an Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp and would like to see some power cord recommendations. Something not too expensive that is known to work well this this piece. $350.00 budget, spent my stash on the new pre.
Was going to mention VH Audio as well, but I was going to suggest buy the plugs and cable from Chris and build your own. I’m sure Chris will give you your best option either way.
I've tested a lot of different power cables over the years. And something that often surprises me is the fact that, when I change signal cables, for example, the sound "changes", while when changing power cables it is often very obviously "worse" or "better".

With a limited budget, I can really recommend Wireworld's cables. From the cheapest entry model and up. I have always thought that they provide a positive and steady improvement overall. Their copper cables are preferred, while the silver models require caution and testing ..
I’d go with Cullen too, although I recently heard about Audio Envy that also sounds very intriguing.  Most of these guys offer a return period so you can give one a shot with very little risk.  Given the quality of your preamp I’d recommend you at least try a better power cable as it could potentially make a big difference for relatively little extra cost.  Best of luck. 
Underwood Hi Fi Core Power Cord at $239.00 or $219.00 for 2 or more.Jump on them asap!!