Perfect speakers for audio Research Classic 30

I really hope that you all would be fine in this tragic situation, at least in Italy.
I fortunately live in Venice which hasn't been hit so much by coronavirus.
Anyway I've relatives and friends in a lot of northenr Italy cities and every day it is a war bulletin.
So I'm a bit upset to talk so lightly about our futile passion...
I've recently bought a really perfect Classic 30 power amp, ad it's lovely but I think that it is a bit tense in properly driving my Proac D30R, I can perceive its very good qualities but finally it lacks in bass control and in definition.
It's very strange to say (?) but it works a lot better and apparently more easilly with no preamp, I mean with my PS Audio Direct Stream dac directly connected.
What are your suggestions for the ideal partners for the Classic 30?
I've no prejudice towards bookshelf, monitors, floorstanding and so on but I suspect that an easy load, good sensibility, mid sized bookshelf speakers could make perfectly the job.
Please consider that I live in Italy so please don't suggest exotic, local, not exported speakers, thank you very much.
Looking forward for your suggestions...
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”beloved president”?  Not by me!
Beyond beloved. Best president ever. Only thing right now standing between us and a fate worse than the worst any virus can do.

The US is way bigger than Italy. Just as in Venice people are saying things like "hasn't been hit much" a whole lot of the US is full of people who think we haven't been hit much. Which in case you don't know I am in Seattle, where last I heard the death count is 95 and climbing, and all within 5 miles of my home.

We are fortunate indeed that our beloved president Trump was quick to close off flights from the source of the China virus, China. He took heat for that but it proved to be the right move. In contrast to what is often reported our beloved president Trump is not in fact a dictator and actually has to work hard to convince the opposition to do what is right. Its a constant battle. He's winning. We are winning.

Are they using hydroxychloroquine in Italy? Several studies now have shown a combination of hydroxycholorquine and azithromycin to eliminate the China virus in 100% of patients within 6 days. Israel is shipping enough to treat 1M and this has enabled our beloved president Trump to expedite release of HCQ from military stockpiles to be used immediately. Our beloved president Trump also got the FDA to approve its use. Unlike in many other countries here we are scared of letting people decide their own treatment and so this huge federal agency was blocking use of this powerful weapon against the China virus until our beloved president Trump stepped in and got it done incredibly fast. What we call Trump Time.

Specific to your amp your experience so far already shows its more than just matching the amp to the speakers. Its also the pre-amp or source to the amp. And the interconnect between them. And the power cords to each of them. Speaker cables. Every single one of these has a very definite impact on the sound you are hearing.

To understand better please see The System here Please read the recent visitors comments. The System was developed over a period of some nearly 30 years work. Work that is ongoing. Never once in that whole time were on-line opinions solicited. Its hard to think of a greater waste of time. Sorry, but after reading this and comparing to others you will start to understand.

The much better approach is to search around and read reviews and comments on any and all components of interest. Pay great attention to detailed descriptions of sound quality. Disregard most other comments. Specifications mean little to nothing. Watts, impedance, hardly any of that stuff matters. Look for what people describe as sounding good.

Then pay attention to what it sounded good with, and try and figure out where the reviewer is coming from. Some reviewers like Michael Fremer for example prefer a super fast hyper articulate hifi sound. Every reviewer has some sort of bias like this. As does every poster on a site like this. Understand this well enough and you will be able to make use of comments from just about anyone.

This is how you narrow it down to what is worth the time and trouble to audition. That is how everything in my system was selected, and its been a very long time now since I have been disappointed. Instead it works so well ... but you can tell from the last comment how well it works.

If you want any help do not hesitate to PM. There is so much BS sniping from people eager to virtue signal they put down their own president, and worse, that I hardly ever come back to a thread. But always happy to help if you have any questions.
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“Best president ever”. Tell that to the family’s that have lost loved ones due to his ineptness.  Remember, the virus is a “Democrat hoax” so all you trump worshipers have nothing to worry about.