Looking for speakers

I am looking for a set of speakers. I want someting with good presence that also has a good bottom end. I will be using them mainly for music but once in a while for HT. I am considering Zu Soul Superfly, Accoustic Zen Adagio, or maybe something from Harbeth. I am open to any suggestions. My room is 15 x 25. I listen to mostly accoustic, female vocals, and jazz. Where I live there are not any high end audio stores so I can not audition anything. Any input would be helpful.
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As the above member noted you need to give us some info about your budget and amp. I own AZ Adagio which are excellent speakers, but they can only show there stuff with 100RMS in the room you described. Speaker cables are also very important; I just switched to AZ''s Hologram II speaker cable. If you want to spend only $2000, you might want ot consider a pair of Magneplanar 1.7. They need about 200RMS especially in your room;they have received several "best of" awards, but you really need to audition them, and read a few reviews. There a couple sleepers out there: PSB T-6, and Vandersteen's 2CE Signatures. Vandies need room and a 100-150 RMS to make them sing, and placement is important but can be a pain in the ass. Check out some dealers in your state and take a road trip there. Let us know what you decide on.... Good Luck, Jim
I would like to stay under 3000.00 for the speakers. I will be purchasing an amp to suite the speakers. I don't really want to go with ribbons or electrostats.