Wolf Audio Server/Streamer Owners

I am the owner of a Red Wolf 2and I am looking to exchange ideas with other Wolf owners. For example,I haven’t even tried the multi channel capability of my unit and would like some information from those that have.For my part,I have tried different power cables and tweaks to get even more out of my unit.I stated out with an Alpha 2 upgraded to the Alpha 3 and finally the the Red Wold 2 so I have some experience with their gear but I still feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface of it’s capabilities and I would really like to hear from others.
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Hey everyone, it's Joe... I wanted to give a big thanks to those who have shared their experiences, and I am starting to send this link on to other Wolf owners so that they can also chime in. It is great to see the positive responses here - it really makes all this worthwhile.  What I am reading is indicative of the whole point of why we started Wolf - to help audiophiles make the most of this new digital audio world. We've sat in some of your homes, we've found new bands and artists thanks to you, and many of you have been with us since the start. You can chart the evolution of our systems and processes by your own listening experiences.
On another note, I feel a bit bad for Will and Fred and Wes, some of you have met them, but they are also working tirelessly in the background to keep things running smooth here at Wolf. If you have any anecdotes with regard to them helping you out, lets hear them!
I hope that this thread will grow and that through it, some of you will make new friends and learn some new ways to enjoy your Wolf that you weren't aware of previously. I will also make myself and my team available for questions, so please, reach out!
The Alpha 3 SX is big. Next month, the Stereophile article comes out and Jason Serinus seems to have had a pretty good time with the server. The performance of it is so good that we are working on an upgrade to our Red Wolf line, and hell, that might be ready by the new AXPONA dates. We shall see! Thanks everyone!

Having a sizable vinyl collection and many CDs I was content with flipping disks and not in a big rush to purchase a music server. The real push came from exhibiting at audio shows. I realized that we were limiting our music selection. I met Joe at the CAF show 2018. I didn't fully appreciate the quality of the Wolf servers until we partnered to exhibit together at The Home Entertainment Show 2019. Wow, our room sounded great. At least that's what many people told me. At this point I have probably exhibited at close to 30 shows and I have to say having the Wolf server was a great experience. First and foremost the sound quality was outstanding. The Wolf was easy to use and having so much music at our fingertips was just plain fun. We exhibited together again at CAF 2019 and are ready for AXPONA 2020 if it happens. I purchased a Red Wolf 2 for our showroom. BTW, I did research many other music servers before purchasing the Red Wolf. Joe has been extremely helpful and patient helping this non computer audio guy (me) get through the learning curve. If any of you are in the Charlotte, NC area and want to check it out (AFTER WE ALL GET THROUGH THIS CRISIS) just let me know. Thanks Joe for building such a wonderful product!

We are here at work, practicing social distancing, disinfecting and following all guidelines outlined by all governing bodies in order to do our part in keeping the global wheels turning.
I too wanted to share my experience with my Wolf server. I have an Alpha 2. I was in the middle of seriously considering having Joe upgrade it to an Alpha 3x before the virus hit.  But, now alas have decided to reign things until this passes. On that note I hope you all are safe and well.

I am a 60+ year old audiophile so my computer skills are not what I would call my strength. This has been a non-issue given the absolutely incredible support I have received from Joe. I send an e mail to Joe looking for assistance and without fail, Joe has been there for me. That he can access my system  remotely makes things very easy for me.It has made my enjoyment of the server one of ease and free of any concerns.

As far as the performance, it is outstanding. I went from an Auralic Aries, now in a second system, to the Wolf. The upgrade in sound was obvious from the first moment I had it up and running.  Bass is taut, deep and impactful. The middle fill is all the more present, as is the sound stage. I have read reviews where reference has been made to a wall to wall and wrap around sound stage.  Never had that in my system; now I do!  Similarly, detail is that much better as are transients.

Botton line, although I did not audition any other servers, I could not be happier; well unless and until I step up the Wolf line.
A shout out of thanks and appreciation to the owners of Wolf Audio Servers who have posted here.

If any have conducted direct comparisons (in your own systems) versus other servers, can you share more?