Different Tubes and general purpose?

I’m trying to get a better midrange push or clarity out of my Line Magnetic 501ia tube amp.   Can someone help me understand what the specific function each type of tube performs in a power amp?  

I would like to upgrade several or all of my “stock” tubes but would like to understand where to start to beat enhance each aspect of the sound spectrum.   On my 501ia i have 4x KT120 and i believe those are power tubes, but please help clarify if wrong.  There are 2x 6SN7EH 1x 12AU7 and 2x 12AX7 (but the AU7 and AX7 look interchangeable to me).   As i look to upgrade where to i look to start, and why?  
Thanks in advance for help. 
Once again millercarbon is wrong. I wouldnt call attention to this if it werent for his hubris and his constant Synergistic Research schilling. 

I am a fan of power conditioners only if you have power which is problematic. Further, I have never tried a power conditioner that didnt take me one step forward and one step back. I am more a fan of reducing noise using a passive device or a good isolation transformer.

Thanks millercarbon.  I ask as I’ve read plenty of articles about how there was notable, not step change, improvement in overall sound quality.   I get that that a lot audiophile purchases can either be snake oil or nearly inaudible changes.  
I have spent, at least in my world, a decent amount of $ on my system.  I’m largely pleased but I seam to be chasing the perfect balance and execution of several instruments in certain songs that seem to be not as crisp or prominent as i know they were recorded.  I would like to explore “tweaks” (i guess not upgrades) to my equipment that I’m hope can help me achieve what i want, without wholesale swapping out of equipment.  
My Harbeth HL5 plus sound incredible (coupled with a sub) on several albums (Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, New Order - Movement, the smiths - Hatful of Hollow), but on others (Big Country - the Crossing, or Led Zeppelin - 1st album) they seem to fail in the a really crisp and distinct mid range.  I could be the recording, but then again it may just be that these are speakers better suited for classical or jazz.  I was trying to explore other system changes to tease out more.

The components you have are fine. Especially the amp, which haven't heard but certainly is highly regarded. Guy in your situation, almost always better to pursue optimizing what you have rather than trading. Because what you will learn if you do this long enough, its always possible to elevate performance more with a few hundred in tweaks than you can ever get with even a few thousand in a different component. 

One thing you said has me concerned, or gets my attention. 
I’m largely pleased but I seam to be chasing the perfect balance and execution of several instruments in certain songs that seem to be not as crisp or prominent as i know they were recorded.

Being largely pleased is good, and a strong reason not to upgrade but to tweak instead. But "not as crisp or prominent as i know they were recorded." Two things wrong with that. One, you can't know. And two, it doesn't necessarily have to be the recording. Click on over to Better-Records.com you will find a whole business dedicated to just what I'm talking about. 

You're thinking of changing something in your system. Your system is the same for every recording. But you're not talking about every recording. So its not likely your system, is it? 

Also one of the biggest most common mistakes people make is trying to make a song or recording sound the way they think it should. This is actually the exact opposite of what they should be doing. The very best a system can do is.... nothing. It should pass the signal, amplify and reproduce, whatever it is. No editorializing! Every recording should sound different. Completely different. No two the same. Its a founding principle found in tomes like from Robert Harley and its a founding principle of my system. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367  Its in the description. 

But improved midrange presence and clarity are always good. So what you do is get some fo.Q tape. https://www.ebay.com/p/1358280415 Synergistic Research HFT are even better but some audiophools get triggered when the best is recommended over and over again, even though it is the best, so we will switch it up a little. Besides the tape really is amazing AND it more perfectly matches your midrange crisp and prominent quest. HFT are more across the board improving clarity everywhere from extreme low end to the top. fo.Q tape is more focused on eliminating micro-vibrations that muddle up the midrange and treble, revealing fine detail in a very natural way.

One thing that's been noticed with those same recordings you mention, they tend to sound really good right up until it gets loud with a lot of instruments and singing all together and it all starts to congeal. Used to think this was just the way it is. Well, turns out not really. The difference, what cleaned it all up, wasn't component upgrades. Wasn't the Herron, wasn't the Koetsu, nor the CTS cables nor even the HFT. And for damn sure it wasn't no tube. It was a tweak. 
Wow, way down here..  I haven't used your particular amp.  But I have heard The 805. quite a few times.. From the stock tubes he went to
RCA and Amperx (vintage) both improved the bass and low mids. Amprex better all round. He used Sylvania too. A lot more sparkle to that valve. Better highs for sure. NOT BRIGHT.. Tame sylvanias with good copper wire...

I have used countless others. Mac. VTL, CJ, DIY, ect.  Matched signal tubes can be quit a sonic nugget, if, they are not matched well to begin with, or have degraded.  L/R.

The big tubes, Unless there is a problem, USE them..KT120 hefty valve.

Again matched tubes go a long way on how a STEREO amp sounds make no mistake about it.. depth, clarity and cleaner phantom speaker resolution. 

I have a Primaluna HP Integrated.  I've rolled a bunch of tubes in there.  Contrary to MillerCarbon I find a definite difference in tubes.  I've run the KT120s in mine, and bottom line, I don't any more.  I found them to have a "glare" on the midrange that I could not "tweak" away.  I noticed it on clear, well-recorded vocals where I could hear a "fuzzy" aura around the vocals.  Check around, and you'll see that a lot of users of KT120 report this issue.

I moved to KT150, and that glare went away.  They sound punchy and powerful with none of the glare.  I had those for about 2 years, but I'm now running a new favorite, TungSol 7581A.  If your amp will run them, I'd say give it a try.  They are under $30 each, so not too expensive.  I've been running them about 5 to 6 months now, and my system sounds the best it ever has (although this isn't the only adjustment I've made in that time).  I will soon go back to the KT150s to compare, but I'm loving what these tubes have done.

But, Miller is blathering about his favorite fuse vendor.  I won't argue whether a fuse can make a [slight] difference or not.  When I tried an aftermarket fuse, there was no discernible difference.  That was MY experience.  But, there is absolutely no way that a fuse can have a bigger impact than rolling tubes.  Rolling fuses would be low on my list of improvements to explore first.  Look at Miller's system on AGon, and note that he isn't even running original tubes.  They have a sticker on them from theTubeStore.  They are still KT88s, but I think those are the only tubes that amp can run.

I agree that there are some tweaks that can make it all come together, but IME, you are better to start from a solid foundation before you start tweaking too much.  Adjust your room, tune everything thoroughly, get it to sound good.  Then, tweak if you want.  But, tweaks won't fix a foundational problem, which you may have with the stock KT120s.  You might find improvement with some NOS KT88s or KT120s.  Google "tube rolling" and Line Magnetic 501ia to find what some others have done.  I don't know if you can run the 7581As, but worth a try if you can.  Some different driver tubes and power tubes will make a very noticeable difference in how it all sounds.
Absolutely absurd dismissing that tubes can make a difference while gushing over a fuse. I’ve rolled tubes and I’ve tried Synergistic fuses and other products from SR. All have made a difference but I have to say, a pair of NOS 7308 Mullards from Brent Jessee moved the needle so much more in my preamp than dropping a SR fuse in the same piece of equipment. We shouldn’t be preaching "the only thing that matters is what you hear with your own ears" while dismissing what folks hear with their own ears! This type of cognitive dissonance is really getting old. We are all here to share opinions but self righteous behavior has no place here...it's unhealthy and unkind.