Useful Information

Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.

     How can you tell our Liar in Chief is lying?

     His lips are moving.

     Trump happens!

    But we can flush that big stinky turd in November.  We may need a plumber, though, I doubt any toilet or country has disposed of such a  colossal piece of poop.


Frank posted: 
"Liberal special interests ...

"The 1119-page bill is Christmas in March for liberal special interests. It imposes racial and gender pay equity provisions, diversity on corporate boards, increased use of minority-owned banks by federal offices, and a grab-bag of other diversity-themed requirements...."

Frank, will you please cite your reference for this cut-and-paste post? I doubt any of this would be included in a package mainly authored in the GOP-controlled Senate that passed by a vote of 96-0. It seems you have fallen victim to right-wing click bait. So, please--list your reference, including author, if there is one, publication and internet address. 

The "safety and security" ACCESS provision is pointed toward making voting easier in November, a time of year when the COVID-19 virus is expected to make a second, more virulent appearance, especially after social distancing has been lifted.  That's the way I am reading it, anyway.   


  • Oregonpapa, I don’t understand why you cannot defend your earlier statements. To be completely honest, I am disappointed.
1. We are all sex addicts to a certain extent. It’s called preservation of the species. When it comes to The Orange Man ... there is something called redemption. I don’t think that applies to the Rapist From Arkansas.

2. The smooth-talking, beautifully smiling, community organizer from Jakarta had one parent from Kenya and one from the United States. Therefore, he was a U.S. citizen, born of a U.S. citizen.

Now that I’ve answered your question, and relieved your disappointment, how about answering my question ... How will all of the Pelosi pork additions to the Coronavirus bill curb the growth of the virus and save the lives of those affected?


Speaker Pelosi is in the House, no authorship of the bill. It came out of the Senate.

What is "redemption" and how does that apply to anyone in the conversation?
jafreeman ...

  • Frank, will you please cite your reference for this cut-and-paste post? I doubt any of this would be included in a package mainly authored in the GOP-controlled Senate that passed by a vote of 96-0. It seems you have fallen victim to right-wing click bait. So, please--list your reference, including author, if there is one, publication and internet address.

Here you go, Joe ...