finding the right speakers for my room + budget

Hi everyone, I'm trying to find the right speakers for my listening tastes, room, and budget.

Budget = $1750... I don't mind used at all.

Image and soundstage should be great of course
I like a relaxed speaker that I can listen to all day.
Vocals, acoustic, strings, live music is what i listen too most. But I do listen to many genres so it should be versatile
I want something detailed which is sometimes hard to find when you go to warm/relaxed.
Maybe the most important, they should sound real. If i close my eyes i dont want to know im listening to speakers. When i open them i should be amazed that the sound is coming from 2 wooden boxes.

My room is 10x17 but the speakers will be firing short ways across the room, so across the 10 ft section.

I can not place them out into the room, they need to be close to the wall. I wont say how close to the wall since that depends on how deep the speaker is but the front of the speaker can only be about 15" from the wall. So most likely 0-6" spacing to the wall.

One speaker will be near a corner of the room. About 12" or so from the corner.

I listen at low to medium volumes.

Most of my music is stored on my computer and plays through a DAC. Blue circle USB Thingee. Some is through CD

If they are a floorstander they need to be a small floorstander. think Totem Staff, Vienna Mozart, B&W CM8

I will pick an amp after i find the right speakers.

Thank you in advance for your help. I'm sure you guys will point me in the right direction(s).

If any more info is needed, let me know.

Thanks for the suggestions. the spendor s5e look interesting. Totem Model 1's ive heard great things and liked their hawks when i heard them. Varity look intersting becuase they look like a good deal used but im not sure if they will be too much for my room and placement may be an issue.

Any other suggestions?
Post removed 
My first recommendation - the Verity Taminos - remains unchanged. For super flexibility in terms of room placement and for high value per $ spent on new gear, consider a new pair of Rega RS5's. The Rega RS5 is an excellent speaker. It is, of course, no where near as good as the Verity Tamino. IMHO.