Uptone EtherRegen

Has anyone tried the Uptone a Audio EtherRegen? I just got it delivered, hooked it up between my ethernet connection and my Bridge II on the PS Audio DS DAC. This device reclocks and cleans ups the digital signal. I’m fairly stupid when it comes to all things digital but what I’m hearing is a huge difference. There is an immediate improvement, lowering the noise floor to reveal clarity. The bass in tight and powerful. My first impression says it’s worth every penny of the $640.

I purchased one off the 2nd production run. Fired up JRiver and started playback. Pulled the cable and while the music still kept magically playing (surprised their switch is so advanced!) it sounded unconnected, disassociated, Soon as I plugged the switch in veils lifted, sound stage expanded, soon as I unplugged, music still was magically playing, but dull, lifeless. Soon as I plugged the switch back in...
Seems like you haven't been over to the ER forum and read about how the product works. It is not a buffer. But go see for yourself. -I wondered if this product could make much of a difference in my system but it is a pretty amazing change. Can be heard by anyone. BTW, my streamer fully buffers each and every track and wow, what a difference with the ER. Natural, 3D, musical, etc. Across the board better. Just a massive positive difference. You can see my review over on AS. I couldn't imagine listening without it now. It is easily the best $640 I've spent in audio after three decades of being involved in this hobby.
When you pull a cable and the music keeps playing it's playing from the buffer. I don't  care what they call it but it's still a buffer. I never mentioned sound quality I have never heard the device I was commenting on jinjuku post about music playing without  the cable plugged in.
BTW, my streamer fully buffers each and every track and wow, what a difference with the ER. Natural, 3D, musical, etc. Across the board better. Just a massive positive difference.

Does the improvement stay put if you pull the Ethernet cable feeding your streamer. What streamer are you using? I haven't seen one that has enough RAM to buffer entire tracks.