
I recently upgraded my yamaha receiver, replacing it with a 'new' Sansui qrx8001 from the late 70's... a loaded question I know, but does anyone have speaker recommendations for said quad sansui? Mostly vinyl,  some fm, mid-size living room, budget 2k, but maybe more if done in 2 phases.  
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One year later and my JBL 4429’s provide me with the most realistic portrayal of my music over that of the litany of speakers I have owned!  They were all great speakers, but for a varied music collection and a less than ideal listening environment, the 4429’s deliver realistic uncompressed dynamics, accurate tone and very impressive soundstaging.  Pure joy to listen to with any genre of music!
I had a 4 channel system in the 70's and bought a couple quad albums only to be told I needed a special cartridge for my tonearm to play all 4 channels separately. :(