Any still using the Dahlquist DQ-10 speakers?

I have not heard these lately and have not owned a pair for many years.  If you are using them, please let me know the journey they have gone down with you and the components you have used with them and any modifications.....then let me know if you are still driving that Ferrari 250 GT Lusso. 

I have a pair I bought about 3 years ago. Presently in storage due to lack of space. Found from an EBay seller nearby. Cost: $375. Nicely restored: new caps and silver wiring, new woofer surrounds, new walnut side pieces, grill cloth and stands. Beautiful! Still one of the all-time best classic speakers!
It could be a little nostalgia getting to me, but even with Maggie 20, various Martin Logans and the like, the DQ-10 still hold a warm spot in my audio memory. 

Yes and no.   I still own a pair of DQ-10 speakers. Five years ago I poured a small fortune in to them with all the updates and upgrades. I even went to a custom furniture maker and had him make a very nice set of custom speaker stands. I may have spent $2,000 rebuilding on the DQ-10s that cost me $1,200 40 years ago.

 Three years ago I purchased a pair of Magnepan 3.7i speakers to replace them after listening to the maggies driven by some Classe’ amps. I am disappointed in my current home setup and I blame my 40 year old power amp. Both the DQ-10 speakers or the Magnepan 3.7i sound OK but both are hindered by my old power amp. I remember listening to the 3.7i for the first time at home thinking that is not much better or different than my rebuilt DQ-10s. Each will need a first class modern preamp and power amps for best performance and a fair comparison. And that is next plan.

Not anymore but sure miss them. Played them with bridged Dynaco ST 70s. Sold them and the guy who bought them picked up another pair and wants to stack them. Really want to hear that!