DAC 1-2K

I am looking to add an external DAC to my 1989 California Audio Lab Icon Mkii. I have been looking at Mytek Liberty vs Chord Qutest but have not been able to demo either.  I am open to other suggestions as well.
Anyone have any experience with the Liberty or Qutest?
For a cheap $350usd discrete R2R dac, this "could" be good, a tech friend bought 5 of them and resold them here in Au to his customers, all new owners said it’s a no brainer for the money.


Cheers George

I'm also looking for a new dac around this price range. Would need to outperform the DA2 module in my mcintosh preamp and preferably have ethernet input so I can connect it to my NAS server which contains my music library.
What sound do you like? If you're more into accuracy something like a Benchmark DAC3 or Topping D90, if you like what some call a more analog or organic warm sound then one of those low cost R2R DACs.