That is the $1,000,000 question. Are the modded Denon's on par(or even surpass)the mighty X01? I'm not ready to answer that yet as I need to hear a head to head comparision. I won't make the mistake of under-estimating the modded Denon's again. And in all fairness, when I auditioned the X01 it was being played on $1,800 audioquest speaker cables, Legacy Whisper speakers (about 200 lbs each) and the amplification was the new Marantz Special edition 2 channel amps (I think model number was the 7SE or something like that). Also, the matching preamp. Each amp retails for $7,000 and the pre-amp is $7,500. More importantly, they had a seperate amp on each speaker. It was a decidely high dollar set-up. That's why its important I hear it on my sytem. I am trying to arrange for a home demo this week but I'm not sure if they're willing to let me do that. We'll see.
However, the X01 left a very strong impression with me and I can tell you some of the differences between the sound of the two units:
- In SACD the X01 was extremely impressive...not just great but almost out of this world. Detail retrieval in SACD was phenomenal.
- The redbook playback was extemely smooth and refined with a tightly focused soundstage and pinpoint imaging. The sound was much fuller than the DV 50.
- Bass was TIGHT with slam.
- The X01 is not a warm player hence it does not sound analog in redbook like the modded Denon's can. (SACD is another story). Its not cold or bright either...its playback is all about the truth.
-It was airier than the DV 50 but I want to say not quite as airy as the Denon's. It seems to me the Denon's put more air around the instruments while the X01 emphasizes space. They are not the same but its hard to describe in words.
The Denon has a slightly wider soundstage.
A key improvement over the DV 50 is soundstage depth and layering. But the Denon's excelled at this also.
The Denon may have slightly better dynmaics.
The PRAT factor on the Denon's were very good. I don't remember concerning the X01. However, I was surpised recently to find out that PRAT is not just a function of the cd player but also the pre-pro and amp. For example,
when I paired my DV 50 with the Bel Canto pre-pro it had an extremely transparent and dynamic sound but the pace was slow. When I replaced the BC with the Anthem D1, I lost a little of the dynamics and transparency but the pace and rhythm was much better and more comparing a marching band to a military "fast walk" exercise. So its hard to say which unit has better PRAT.
Both the denon's and the XO1 have a very refined and sophisticated sound. You can hear they are high end units.
To sum it as up, the Denon's (especially the APL) is like water coming out of a shower head...a wide, sweeping spray that is soft, airy, gentle and never harsh with extended highs and not as extended lows. Also has great dynamics.
The X01 (as I remember it in redbook) is like a high pressure waterhose. The soundstage is extremely focused and organized and every instrument has its proper place. It images extremely well. Dynamic swings are certainly heard and felt but never allowed to grab your attention to the point they take away from the musical flow. Instruments are timbrally correct and tonally rich but never "lush" like the Denon APL. If the disc is recorded poorly you will hear it more with the XO1 than either Denon.
Whereas the Denon's place a warmth and romanticism to the vocals that make you feel you can reach out and touch the singer...the X01 gives greater insight into the vocals...its like you've heard the words before but "never really heard them" until you listen through the X01.
Again, this is what I "remember" hearing but I need a refresher in the form of a direct face off. Should I get a chance to do that the results will be posted here.