Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear friends: Temptation wins over my mind and even that I do not end the crossovers caps tests overall evaluation this week I soldered the Powertron/Vishay resistors instead the Duelund I was using in the speakers. The crossovers comes with two resistors each one.

Well Vishay is Vishay and the differences for the better are nigth and day, nothing less.

Those differences are so high in favor Powertron that I had to re-start the overall caps evaluation.

That " nigth and day " tell me that Duelund is not a snake oil or boutique high end device but a JUNK/TRASH products and I mean it.

I was using that junk passive device following the expert audiophiles and exactly as I followed to the audiophile community with several junk very expensive capacitors.

With Vishay or Wima or Epcos and the like even a deaf gentleman can be aware o0f those very high coloration/distortion levels of all those junk devices against true caps/resistors and all those is not because I say it but because is in that way and you will understand it when you can give you the opportunity to have first hand experiences.

Yes, my resistor/caps humble and true items discovery is a true new audio world discovery no matters what.

Even that I do not finish yet all the caps evaluation my system is performing as I never never in my audio life could imagine or dream can do it to that high quality levels ! ! !. 

Formidable for say the least. This is a true home room/system " live MUSIC " experiences.

Of course that any one of us can decide to stay with the junk or go to the real MUSIC. Please no offense about. I took my caps/resistor decision against what all audiophile community was doing and regarded. I did it with out worry or distress of what any audiophile gentleman could think about my actions.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Yes, I know almost for sure that in the few next years the high-end manufacturers of speakers will follow using those kind of junk/trash crossover passive devices.

I said that because I can’t imagine that Tidal Audio site can shows instead of these crossover passive junk devices used in its 250K+ speakers:

Visay or Wima or Epcos and the like passive devices. Could you imagine that?

At least I can be sure they don’t show it with so proudly attitude as they are doing it. Of course they don't know yet or have the knowledge and experiences I have.

I’m totaly sure too that that same speakers with those humble passive devices in its crossovers will performs better than what they have rigth now, maybe not nigth and day but who really knows.

Well, I really don’t care about, what I care is to follow learning through this lovely and fabulous journey that I think I’m just touching the tip of the iceberg.

This will continue....


I bought some Wima caps long ago when this thread first started  didn't have time to put them in until a month ago. I used a second system to test Wima out. I replaced some Jupiter copper foils, V Caps, Jantzen Alumens, Miflex Copper. I put them in a Bruce Moore Preamp, LSA Statement towers with outboard crossover and Usher Tiny Dancers. I let Wima run for a month or so hoping they would become the cap you say they are, that never happened. They are just as much of a tone control as the boutique caps. Wima's dull the sound which is controlling the tone. I found them to sound just what they are cheap compared to boutique caps. I had some Solens laying around so I flipped them in. Some areas the Wima sounded better compared to the Solens some the Solens sounded better than Wima. In no place did the Wima sound better than Jupiter or V Cap. With Wima the natural sparkle and air is lost which becomes muted. If air and sparkle is colored I prefer colored. I mean no disrespect but I find the exact opposite of your findings.

Dear friends: I want and need to clarify that the use of the junk word was not at any moment used as derogatory but only a way to say that those passive devices are useless for the MUSIC reproduction.

Yes, those passive parts are the ones we are accustom to but in reaklity what we are accustom to are not only those devices heavy colorations/distortions but to the intrinsec colorations/distortions of our room/systems especially the audiophiles that are using tube electronics.

Live MUSIC has several characteristics ( that through this thread I posted some of them. ) and a main one has a name: ACCURACY ( please not confuse with analytical. Way diferent.. ).
A score from a comnposer comes with that accuracy characteristic and when that score is played the director of the orchestra ( or whatever. ) wants to interpret the composer " feelings " and during that score play everything must be doing with accuracy starting with the rigth orchestra instruments tone/note.

With out that MUSIC can’t exist as MUSIC but only some kind of sounds. Timing, pitch, tone balance and the like means ACCURACY and this word is the name of that game.

Now we want and like the MUSIC listening in our home systems and for me the very first and the main target in any room/system ( no matters what/price. ) is to reproduce that recorded MUSIC as accurated as we can.
That means to stay nearer to the recording, nearer to what the recording michrophones picked up at its near field position.

For we can try to achieve those targets we need and is a must condition to put at MINIMUM all kind of distortions/colorations, noises generated through our room/systems.

With out that what we have are only some kind of full colored sounds that we like it becauase we are accustomed in that way for several several years.

Of course that if we do not took care about in the past then it’s sure that our room/system is full of " nice " colorations/distortions and when suddenly we change something in our system: cables, electronic devuices, speaker, passive devices and the like that are more accurated those devices will shows what we don’t want to know and this is our " sad " reality.

It’s exactly what happens when we are accustomed to the analog/LP alternative and suddenly we switch to digital in an analog fine tunned room/system.
What happens?: we just don’t like the accurated digital alternative. The same happens when we switch from tubes to SS electronics: we don’t like SS quality level performance because we are not accustomed to accuracy and high resolution room/systems.
I already been there, I passed through both experiences: analog to digital and tubes to SS. I had to learn in deep about and decided where is the true MUSIC and why.

We like those " nice " colorations and everykind of distortions but these is not really MUSIC or what the microphones pick up is only what we like it.

Today what’s what I like. Well first than all I work hard in the last 10+ years to achieve a very high resolution and accurated room/system.

A system that can tell me and let me feel and let my mind generates the true emotions that only true MUSIC can do it.
That’s why I started to look for opportunities to listen live MUSIC seated at nera field position and understand the importance of MUSIC transiients, timing, natural agresiveness or brithness, power and dynamics as tone in what I listen and for reproduce in home those characteristics we only can do it if our room/system has that high resolution and accuracy levels where any kind of colorations is out of question.

Wima, Vishay, Epcos, etc. are extremely high resolution devices with a extremely accuracy too and with no single COLORATION/DISTORTIONS you can detect, at least till I discover if exist those kind of distortions because today my first hand experiences are really new and I’m still learning.

@paulcreed sure you are rigth and agree with you and if you try Vishay or Epcos instead Wima you will listen the same but that is not a guilty/reponsible of those accurated " zero colorations " caps/resistors devices.

Your system is not ready for those devices , we need to make a lot of work before we can be THERE and really appereciate all what I’m enjoying today. It’s a proccess not an excercise of just change a cap for other one. It’s a learning proccess before Wima or Vishay.
That’s why you said:

" They are just as much of a tone control as the boutique caps. ""

with all respect to you I can tell you that those cheap devices are far far away to be a tone control, it’s the other way around. Your system needs the tone control devices you are accustomed to hear. Accuracy is not part of that system yet.

Look, when the COVID-19 " dissapears " any one can be my guest and listen what I’m talking about.

I’m not a hardware lover but a MUSIC one and I need that my room/system can reproduce MUSIC with accuracy.

That’s all about.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Dear @paulcreed  and friends: From where comes that high resolution/accuracy and high quality performance levels of Wima, Vishay, Kemet or Epcos?

True engineering to acomplish the very strict true industry standards.

Please check any datasheet through Vyshay or Wima and the like caps/resistor devices and you can confirm my statement and look at Duelund or Jupiter and the like sites where exist no true datasheets and obviously no single standard to accomplish for because these is not the levl of quality and the levels of engineering you or me are asking for. 

We are asking for just nice colorations, we don't care if that paper/wax/oil is really need it to reproduce MUSIC with ACCURACY and " Zero distortions ".

Common sense. What all of us like has nothing to see/count in what must or should be on the whole passive devices quality performance levels.

Hey !, I already spend thousands of dollars in those junk of caps I know for sure what I'm talking about and common sense says something is and are just wrong with that junk devices.

Please some one of you can prove that the one that's wrong is me not those colored caps. I really appreciated some of you can prove it with facts and where are that engineeering boutique caps that I said and say does not has.

Welcomed, it's in benefit of all of us. Don't be shy or be worry about.
