SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier

I have in-house Coda Technologies 07x preamplifier, which is the latest iteration of their '0' series linestages.  Very briefly, over the last seven years I have had over five solid state preamplifiers, price range was between 4K to 20K, in for auditioning in my system.  They were quite good, but lacked what my tube based linestages had to offer.  The solid state pieces were wickedly transparent, micro-detailed, tight accurate bass extension, and had great overall dynamics.  However, they lacked the organic timbres/tonality, 3D imaging, and the ability to create a sense of space between the players that my tube based preamplifiers produced in my system. 

So, I was concerned that based on my personal preferences that the Coda 07x might not be my "sonic cup of tea".  Boy was I wrong!  Besides, the superlative build quality, starting with the double-sided gold-plated circuit boards, and the sane prices Coda charges compared to other much more insanely priced gear, the 07x is priced at $6'500, this preamplifier has patiently shocked me regarding it might be the best synthesis between what solid state offers (transparency-clarity/low frequency extension-control/micro-details/speed-dynamics) and the best of what tubes have to offer (pristine timbres-tonality-color/holographic imaging/three-dimensional sound-staging with a sense of air around the individual instruments).

Coda always, at least in the America "flies under the radar" compared to other US manufacturers, but based on performance, build quality, and  smart evolved engineering they offer cutting edge equipment at reasonable prices that deserve to be heard by more music lovers. I'll get into all the little details in my review on the performance of the 07x, but for right now if you are thinking about purchasing a solid state linestage, consider giving Doug Dale a call to hear this very special piece.
hi charlie,

sorry for the late response.  i still like the 07x very much; i'm now used to the remote and find it satisfactory.  i'm still hoping to get my melos back, so i can do a comparison; i was told dec/jan; but haven't heard anything since.

wturkey, you may want to find out the mfr date on your 07x; it's my understanding that a not insignificant change was done not too long ago, but there's no model change - older iterations are still called 07x.  i also understand that it's not all that expensive to have on older iteration updated.  and, you should be able to program your remote as well, since the 07x comes from the factory with a universal mx-450 remote.  you may want to contact doug dale from coda.  and, since the mx-450 is a universal remote anyway, maybe you shouldn't be so worried about it taking a beating?

doug s.
All I can say early on TJ "s posts are pretty spot on. For me itis really awesome for the $ I might just try some other ic's see what betters my Jps cables or mabe not. Anybody try different ones besides blackcat. I am going to keep this 07 (sweet)
Hey Mike,

I'm really glad that you are enjoying the 07x in your system.  Last night I wrote my review for Stereo Times on the Coda 16.0 amplifier.  Hopefully, it will be published in the near future.  The reason I'm sharing this is the combo of the 07x & 16.0 is creating the best performance I have ever had in my system!

Doug and Eric, in this generation of Coda gear has really created something very special and their preamp/amplifier will compete with any equipment regardless of price.  
Yeah It is a real nice match with my Coda Tm Monos V2 and my Logans
Looking forward for that review. Would like to hear the 16. Do not know what the real big difference would be.
@sedond  Did you ever get your Tube pre to compare?

Also has anyone compared the 07x vs the C900U ?