Thoughts on Tube vs SS amplification for Sony SS AR1s

Hi all~
Was hoping someone with more knowledge than me may be able to help clear up some confusion I’ve been having.
I recently was able to acquire my ‘unicorn’ speakers, the SS AR1s.  4 ohms, 88 dB, 28hz-60khz.
i have an integrated tube amp, the  Luxman LX-380, which on paper doesnt seem to deliver a lot of power for these speakers (14 w into 4 ohms), but i have been really surprised by how full/robust everything sounds with the Luxman in place. I had been advised that a more powerful SS amp (‘at least 200 w per channel!’)  would be needed to get the most out of the SS AR1s (and i have had a lot of SS amps in the past), but To be honest I’m pretty impressed with how it sounds already - So,  i was just hoping someone with more experience here could weigh in? Is it necessarily true that tubes just aren’t a good match for a speaker of this sensitivity? Would a more powerful amp like the luxman mQ-88uc (25 w into 4 ohms) be worth looking into? Would a powerful SS amp really make these speaker sing (and i just dont know what I’m missing)? I want to take advantage of the low-end of these new speakers (which is the main difference from my previous pair), so looking for some guidance re tube amps and exerting control over speakers like these.

thanks much!
I think the OP is getting good advice from everyone.  If it sounds good to him, then why change anything.  At the same time, he really doesn't know what he has not heard.  If he tried the Sony with a high current solid state amp who's to say he wouldn't say his system is positively transformed?  Both of these lines of thought can be right at the same time.
Hi all - again, I cant tell everyone how much i appreciate the advice (extremely helpful).

As Charles pointed out, this is indeed a head scratcher - either the luxman has qualities that the spec sheet alone doesn’t account for, or I am in for a revelation if i can get my hands on a good SS amp (because this is already the best my setup has ever sounded, and the first thing my wife said was ‘everything sounds so balanced and full’ from the lows to the highs - this seems to go against what the measurements would predict when using the luxman). I’ll definitely keep people posted.

 I had had my eye on a few options (in keeping with the Japanese hi-fi theme of the speakers - i have a soft spot for these brands)
- accuphase e650
- marantz ma9s2
- Yamaha a s3000

Aesthetically, i have to admit I’m a fan of the Yamaha, but i know on paper it’s probably not the best of the three. The marantz monoblocks and preamp seem very highly regarded, but going from the single box LX380, those giant champagne boxes are going to look a bit ostentatious. I had a chance to pick up a rare sony TA-DR1a , but could find very little info on it. I’ll see if i can find someone local who perhaps has something that would fit and be willing to try it out here~

(if anyone has any strong opinion about the Yamaha, would be glad to hear your thoughts~)


How in the world does the low watt tube Luxman produce wonderful sound paired with this very difficult speaker load?

It may sound good to him, I guarantee he has "not" yet heard these speakers at their best though.

If it sounds good to him, then why change anything.
He started this thread for a reason because he has doubts.

I had had my eye on a few options (in keeping with the Japanese hi-fi theme of the speakers - i have a soft spot for these brands)
- accuphase e650
- marantz ma9s2
- Yamaha a s3000
Don’t draw conclusions with these amps, they are good integrated amps for normal loading speakers, but not for the nasty loads the Sony’s present

Cheers George
Hey George
Thanks for the thoughts - even the mono block ma9s2 you think would be a poor fit?  I could go the route of separates if there are more options there that are likely to get the best out of these SS AR1s (I’ve only even had integrateds, so separates would be new for me)

Hey George
Thanks for the thoughts - even the mono block ma9s2 you think would be a poor fit?

No one has done bench tests on these, They "may" be ok, but they only have 6 outputs per channel, and they only spec them 8ohm to 4ohm wattage’s, no mention of what can be done into 2ohms or less.

So I would say no, as if they did well with even higher wattage’s into 2ohms, it’s in their best interest to say it.

You have a pair of iconic speakers, that yes are a pig to drive. That if were made today would be well over the $27k they were back then, more like $50k today. Give them the amp they deserve.

Cheers George