More Dynamic Speakers Than Vienna Acoustic

I'm looking for thoughts on which speakers or manufacturers to pay attention to in my journey to achieve better dynamics. My system currently sounds great for midrange reproduction, bass is decent without a sub, but is tame in the treble, rolled off I might say. I can turn the system up past 1 o'clock and it gets louder but doesn't get very punchy. My wife and I use our system for a combination of vinyl, streaming, and movies.

My current setup is: 

VPI Scout jr. Table- Nagaoka MP50 MI Cart
Topping D30 Dac

Allnic H1200 Phono Stage
Audio Research LS25 mk2 Pre
AudioPrism Debut tube amp ~30w of power
Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand speakers

Dac, phono stage, preamp, and tv are all powered by a 1000va Transcendent Sound Balanced isotranny. Amp and TT are direct into the wall. Room is 17x13 8' ceiling. 

The wife is interested in a pair of black floor standing speakers that will go with the room better as am I. Want to keep them small'ish, ie not taller than 4-5'

What would be more dynamic than the Vienna Acoustic's? I would love to stay under 2k used. 



Your original premise is right on; Vienna Acoustics speakers are generally understood to be refined, highly detailed, with a hint of politeness.  My dealer strongly recommended a high current amp like a Hegel H190 to drive the Mozarts or the Hegel H390 for the BBGs.  He said a low powered tube amp is the exact wrong amp to drive Vienna Acoustics; to get them to dance a high powered, high current amp is needed. My room is the same size as your room (15' x 15'). 

On the other hand, these speakers may not be for you.  Every VA review I have read says the speakers are wonderful for all genres of music and for virtually all music lovers except for one small segment of audiophiles; if your favorite listening is rock music at concert level volume, look elsewhere.

Much like putting an employee in a position to succeed by observing their skill-set and matching that with a particular job, the only legitimate way to truly judge your Mozarts is by driving them with a high current solid state amp.  Good luck!
Klipsch Forte III or JBL 4429 series or higher!  Only if you want to smell the smoke and whiskey laced atmosphere of the Village Vanguard as Coltrane plays “A Love Supreme” ...gloriously burnished brass sweet buttery smooth and gritty with a tinge of sweat!
Features to look for would be higher sensitivty 88-89db or better (to work with your tube amp) and bluntly, something with more surface area than the 5.5" bass drivers of your VAs. Say 6.5" min; to go lower and have more punch in the midbass. 

Would suggest looking at the used market. In the meantime, try playing with room placement.