OMG, just removed my speaker grills and the sound just opened up to a new level!

My recently purchased Focal Maestro Utopia speakers look so good with their black front baffle and side and back Camara white, I couldn’t even think about removing the grills to hear what they sound like with them off. With nobody around to voice their displeasure to seeing those drivers I boldly went were no man, or in this case myself, said he would never go and removed the grills. Hello, said the speakers
this is what I really sound like. I might not be as pretty, but love me for what really counts, how I sound,
not how I look. I have to say I love them even more and they’re not looking too bad either! 
removed every grill on every speaker I’ve owned since 1987, and they all sounded the same on or off.

   Cool story.

If that's true, then why didn't you leave them on so that they would look better?


Our Legacy Marquis Center came without any grill or even anyplace incorporated to attach one.. I wondered why, but I certainly don't have any complaints . 

I hear if you cut holes in your grills the same diameter as your drivers that it's a no-compromise solution.