Who are your favorite A'gon posters?

I'll start with my top Two...



cu.ft.....not counting the other dimensions we don't perceive....

....which is obviously our loss....in his opinion....;)
Your best post, so far.
I have a few favorites, for very different reasons to which I will not disclose:

the lady who always deletes her posts
and the one guy who always talks s*^t about class D.

...every now & then, glupson....every now and then.....

Not often enough for my 'taste' (or lack of) either....*g*

My apologies and regards for tolerating the rest to arrive at such... ;)

roxy54....just tomic60 'n I trading hands at millercarbons' expense....
It's not you, really. *s*

Granted, mk is an intelligent person....but, like any of 'us' on any given date/time/place....it can get a bit....'much'.

Mea culpa, I do such as well....perhaps not so 'well', but....

I make no claims on being an expert.

Exasperating, perhaps....an 'ankle-biter', yup.  Gadfly, sure....

Just another absurder.....observing....*s*

I was going to list a few but after reading this I just kept thinking, "oh yeah, that guy too.".
I like it when we fight over audio, but when the posting gets political, we end up agreeing more.

This gives you an idea how contentious audio is.

When political threads start on the audiogon forum, and peace breaks out.

Not a joke. Seen it multiple times.