Brumeister 061 performance

I know an audio shop boss, he has one Brumester 061 cd player which is an used one. He wants to sell at US$8000 which is a bit high when compare with international price. How about the performance of the player which also has DA for out source input.
Also, is the price match the sound?

Burmester makes some of the most attractive equipment you can find;  and from an aesthetic standpoint you would be very satisfied with any piece you  have the opportunity to purchase.

Now,  from a purely Sonics and reliability standpoint you are entering into a territory that could become problematic when you consider the laser pick up on the CD player as well as service to the unit becoming difficult to find.

If superior Sonics is what you want but still want some flare to make your System look nice - look for a used Levinson, Nagra, or Playback Designs.
Dear Studio
Tks for your reply.  High end gear usually cost much even it's mid level gear.  The important thing is the match issue.  The boss is an experienced Audiophile who is good at selling top end gear to the enterprise owners or Dr. I always visit his shop and listen to what's his new settings. He said the sound of Brumeister sound is clear, transparency, details, would be capable of making a good combination with my power Amplifier. The Accuphase A47. A type with warm and not so fast response. Both combo would have synergy in sound reproduction.  Also, he promises to lend the grar for me to do home listen for comparison. The only problem now is the $.  I find the one 2nd on international markets costs only US$6000  which is 2000 cheaper. The only difference is the one from the shop is sell through formal distbuter, you will be able to find the fix place once needed.

To your point,  as long as you have all the relevant information and have calculated the pros and cons - the only thing to do is make the purchase and enjoy.  

The research I conducted  confirmed that the Burmester 061 contains the CD Pro 2 transport - which is still available; and the unit can be used as a DAC - which is a positive as well.

So, if you are really set on Burmester and have done your homework - purchase and enjoy.  

I had had a chance to get the Levinson 31.5 Transport but decided not to based on the likelihood of the laser mechanism needing replacement.  

Please post your impressions once you make the purchase.