Anyone have any hands on experience with this DAC.....?
I own the Bricasti M1 and filter options are NOT subtle but with that being said once you find the filter option you like I very rarely change it.
Wanted to share that I have the M3 in-house for review for the Stereo Times website.  

So far the M3 is offering a superlative rendition of any music I'm auditioning it with.  Besides, the unbelievable build quality that runs through all Bricasti equipment, the M3 is the first DAC that I have had in my system that offers the musicality of NOS DAC chips/ladder DACs with tube based analog conversion sections, plus the speed/overall dynamics and preciseness of Sigma Delta designs.  However, the M3 never sounds
analytical, but retains beautiful musicality and flow.
jimfinn... love over gold conclusively proves that redbook can compete with anything. i think the perceived limitations of redbook are directly the result of poor production. the guys producing the recordings are no different than you and i. many  producers simply have poor taste or don’t care. 
for every love over gold there are literally hundreds of awful recordings. 
Wondering if anyone here has heard the Exasound PlayPoint DM?  If so, how does it compare to the M3?  How is the headphone amp?  It gets pretty great reviews, but haven't seen a lot of talk about it.  Sorry for slightly changing the subject.  The PlayPoint DM and the M3 are the 2 DACS I am interested in, but haven't heard either.