Upgrades for Thiel CS 3.6?

I have a pair of Thiel CS 3.6 that I’ve owned for about 12 years. I think they’re fantastic. 
Just curious... have there been driver advancements that I might benefit from? 
Has anyone tried swapping out drivers and if so, were you pleased with the results? 
One of Thiel’s better speakers. A lot of thought and care went into that crossover to make those particular drivers work very well together. Change one of them,  even if it is more "advanced" and it will probably turn into a Sh!t show.
Great speakers!  I think Thiel made big improvements to their drivers over the years, so yeah I think there are probably some benefits brought by the newer drivers.  Whether YOU think they are an improvement is another matter.  I’ll just say I had the CS 1.6es in my system, and I found the tweeter in that model to be very refined and one of the best I’ve heard, and I wouldn’t say that about the CS 1.5s (I’d guess the tweet in the 3.6es is better though).  The midwoof was excellent as well and melded seamlessly with the tweeter.  I wouldn’t mess with replacing drivers on the 3.6es as who knows how they’ll play with the older crossover, plus used Thiels can be had relatively cheaply so I’d go that route and just sell them if they’re not a marked improvement over your 3.6es.  But you’d have to go with something like the CS6 to match the bass output of the 3.6, so even used you’re looking at $3500 or so to scratch any itches you may have.  I think I’d just stay with the excellent 3.6es since you like them so much, but I’d also go listen to some Vandersteens just to see if their newer models offer anything you might like.  FWIW. 
@gpaulmg1: just curious what amp you are using with the 3.6’s? 

My understanding is is that these are lower efficiency speakers that take some trial and error to get a proper impedance match for best sound. They only sound so-so when paired with a lower powered amp. There is a really lengthy Thiel thread that is ongoing and I’d swear I read something from Tom Thiel stating that there is a crossover upgrade being developed. There is also still a Thiel restoration shop (I believe) in Lexington. Not sure if it is just for the cabinet refinishing or if they also do driver/crossover upgrades and repair. 

Another question about the 3.6’s: how do you have them attached to he floor? Are you using spikes, stands or some other tweak? Just curious which aberration you are seeking to suppress or which attribute you are trying to improve upon.
MikeyBc33 - I think you might well be right... I know there are some “known” upgrades for the CS  2.4 and was wondering if something similar was available for the 3.6.