On-Line Concerts for the Virus Age

Please post any on-line concerts. Here are two:

MORGAN JAMES at STAGEIT: https://www.stageit.com/morganjamesonline
Currently five scheduled - Mar21,25,Apr1,4,8
Morgan has a million dollar voice - has appeared on bdwy -
Julliard student at the age of 14! - recorded 3 albums
Here is her Beatles White Album cover (yes all of the songs)

SIERRA AND CHASE EAGLESON - A brother and sister from Ohio
at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa7EI9oj1hE
Scheduled: March 20 6pm EST?
Here is a sample:

Internet superstars with millions of views for their covers of
Coldplay, Gregory Alan Isakov, Phil Collins...
Chase has over 400k followers and Sierra 40k followers.
You’ll enjoy their duets, instrumentals and original solos.
They are truly part of a new generation of musicians - non-touring
and without recorded albums but still wildly popular on YouTube, Spotify and more.
Live From Quarantine
Exclusive from Casa Vindemia

Bishop is a singer/songwriter from Texas. Not much in her
wiki so I have included a range of her youtube videos.
Bonnie Raitt often mentions that she centers her albums
around a carefully chosen ballad. The 2012 double album
used a Bonnie Bishop song, "Not Cause I Wanted To" as
one of those ballads.




Not Cause I Wanted To
Bonnie Bishop co-write with Al Andersen
Bonnie Raitt sings....

Bonnie Bishop with "Poor Man’s Melody" from #SkyvilleLive

New Album Release concert "The Walk"
Bonnie Bishop - Live Concert at Nashville Sunday Night

Bonnie Bishop - Keep On Using Me

Bonnie Bishop - Too Late - 5/9/2016
Paste Studios, New York, NY

Bonnie Bishop - Let You Lead

Bonnie Bishop "Every Time You Come Around"

Bonnie Bishop "Brent Rollins"
Songs From Home Episode 6
The Blue Distance


"Mary Chapin Carpenter (born February 21, 1958) is an American singer-songwriter. Carpenter spent several years singing in Washington, D.C.clubs before signing in the late 1980s with Columbia Records, who marketed her as a country singer. Carpenter's first album, 1987's Hometown Girl, did not produce any singles, although 1989's State of the Heart and 1990's Shooting Straight in the Dark each produced four Top 20 hits on the Billboard country singles charts."

Mary Chapin Carpenter - I Feel Lucky (Video)
8 Ball Aitken is streaming from his house in Nashville, twice a week.

Check his farcebook page for days and times
A Little Soon To Say


"Browne told Rolling Stone: “I thought, ‘Just do that now.' Just put it out now, while these things are so uncertain.”

He also noted that "A Little Too Soon to Say" was inspired by other things happening in the world now, and that he was "thinking about the generation — the Parkland students, and Greta Thunberg, and the young people who have been very vocal, saying, ‘You’re not making any real attempt to change things in a way for us to have the planet you had.’ How do you pass this mess on to the next generation, the future generations?”

The song will show up as the B-side to “Downhill From Everywhere," which is scheduled for a vinyl and CD release on May 29.

Browne revealed yesterday that he tested positive for COVID-19, and has been self-quarantined in his Los Angeles home for the past 10 days. “As soon as I had a small cough and a temperature, I tested,” he said. “My symptoms are really pretty mild, so I don’t require any kind of medication and certainly not hospitalization or anything like that."

The 71-year-old singer-songwriter said he may have caught the virus when he was in New York two weeks ago for a performance at the Love Rocks NYC benefit concert."

Read More: Listen to Jackson Browne's New Song, 'A Little Soon to Say' | https://ultimateclassicrock.com/jackson-browne-a-little-soon-to-say/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medi...