raspy high end

I am driving a new pair of kef xq40 with a vintage yamaha m2 amp (240 wpc) and a matched yamaha c-4 preamp. Using a jvc dvd player and playing hd recodings. The sound is full round and ALMOST PERFECT. I am biwired with flat 14 g cable. I am hearing a raspyness in the high end... almost as if blown tweeters but they are not.... it is minimal but needs to go! Ideas?
In my system biwiring was not desirable. Parallel wiring is--running two cables from amp to speaker and then strapping upper and lower range of speaker. Actually you can try current configuration and add straps to speakers. Then you can compare.
Pnjcic, there could be a good number of culprits. But, since you said the speakers are new, give them a chance to break-in before you start hunting for a potential problem.
Arnett... kef recommends biwire. Did this parallel set up work for your system? Increase high end clarity?