Lumin X1 or dCS Bartok

Both of these beasts look like they could be that “forever purchase”. These are basically the newest offerings from both well respected companies and are within spitting distance of each other price wise  (without the Bartok headphone option installed). Anybody heard both and able to comment?
That’s some flawed logic right there, dznutz. How does that make the X1 the winner?
perhaps yes, but I have owned the X1 and I have heard the Bartok along with the Rossini.  To my ears, not only do they simply sound different but the Lumin sounds more refined.  At around $15K I would hope to be buying the best a company can do, not their cheapest implementation.
Dznutz, your argument can go both ways.  Sure if you have the top of the line you know you are getting the company’s best.  But if you get a lower model of a much higher line you will most likely be getting trickle down technology from 2-4x price gear but just be missing that extra 5-10%.
key word there is "most likely" or better yet, "potentially". Either way you cant quantify the sonic difference as a percentage, although I know just about everyone out there does. Comparing Bartok to X1... for me the X1 sounds considerably better.
I can definitely say Lumin makes some fantastic streamers.  I have the T2 and it holds it’s own against much higher priced DACs.  I imagine the X1 would take this to another level.