SUT vs. Phono preamp

On what basis is  the decision to chose  a SUT vs. a phonostage made?
It’s a Nelson Pass design using 12AE6 6.3 volt old fashioned car radio tubes. I side a nine volt lithium battery for a power supply;  gives a bit more gain and don’t seem to shorten tube life much, if any. Mine are nine years old and dhow no sings of weakening, at least so far. Really sweet sounding component!
Dear @fleschler  : That SUT has 3 diferent controls at the front plate and I don't know  but I can't imagine how the designer let the signal totally out of those 3 controls each time you make changes down there.

Anyway, I prefer the straigth one as the AU-1000 and is not so expensive when you find out.


Dear friends : Obviously that the transformers in a SUT is critical and has to be reflected in the frequency response range where is flat not at +-3db

My advise is to ask always that spec before pull the triguer and compare in between some SUT's. We have to remember that the SUT ( other than the cable/connectors ) is the first amplifier device where the delicated cartridge signal must pass and we want to preserve the integrity of that signal putting the lost signal at minimum. It's imposible for passive or active devices not lost or adds " something " .
