SUT vs. Phono preamp

On what basis is  the decision to chose  a SUT vs. a phonostage made?
Dear friends : Obviously that the transformers in a SUT is critical and has to be reflected in the frequency response range where is flat not at +-3db

My advise is to ask always that spec before pull the triguer and compare in between some SUT's. We have to remember that the SUT ( other than the cable/connectors ) is the first amplifier device where the delicated cartridge signal must pass and we want to preserve the integrity of that signal putting the lost signal at minimum. It's imposible for passive or active devices not lost or adds " something " .

I own an EAR 324 phono pre-amp which has transformer settings of 4, 15 and 40 ohms and 3 gain settings.  I struggled for a year to achieve the correct sound for my Benz Ruby 3.  It was either too bright and thin or too dull and heavy sounding. 

My cable manufacturer friend told me to just use a resistor at 220 ohm on an Audio Interface L40.  That is the perfect setting for the cartridge.  The Zesto has four settings within 10 ohms of 220 ohms including 220.  It has the widest range using nearly identical Jensen transformers.  I have not heard anyone claiming the Zesto SUT isn't superb.  

Does anyone know that the Zesto is inferior to the Ortofon or Denon or my Audio Interface?  
Dear @fleschler  : I know is inferior to the AU-1000 and probably your Audio Interface is even better at least yours has wider frequency response and this says a lot:

I don't know why you could go for the Zesto when your Audio Interface is one of the best out there and I don't " see " how the Zesto can beats it, but........

Btw, I think that is improbable that a Zesto owner already tested against the SUT's you ask for.

Anyway, always great fun testing audio items.

The ISO-MAX Jensen SUT should be nearly identical to the Audio Interface (and is easier to use with the front and rear separation for input and output).  It is very reasonably priced if it is the same transformers.