How do you sort your LPs?

How do you sort your LPs?
1. Alphabetical Genre
2. Alphabetical Artist
3. Most listened
4. Others
I have procrastinated in organizing my collection. No excuses now.

Alpha in the rack downstairs with dividers keeping about 25+ close at hand for quick access and play at a time . 

@noromance (and other genre-ists ;-), I get it now. My Pop collection is almost all one genre anyway: Americana. Just kidding.

I would love to be able to have my LP's cover-facing-out, but available room precludes that possibility. I spent a lot of time with my head cocked sideways!

There is one record store I've been in that puts there entire inventory in alphabetical order only, no genrefication: Waterloo Records in Austin, Texas. I immediately realized that would make browsing by genre, as most people do (I think), impossible.

I've known folks who deliberately put their music collections in totally random order so that people who come over won't be able to choose what to put on.  As a matter of fact, I may have done this at one time.
Uberwaltz, good example, but....
Stanley Clark is never Clark Stanley, so yes on the “S”
Only have 300 or so..... So alphabetical by artist. 
2500 CDs most ripped and got rid of (dohh) of the 300/400 left classical, world and jazz separated... The rest together. SACD nearly all dylan and only 15 in total.