Brumeister 061 performance

I know an audio shop boss, he has one Brumester 061 cd player which is an used one. He wants to sell at US$8000 which is a bit high when compare with international price. How about the performance of the player which also has DA for out source input.
Also, is the price match the sound?

Dear Studio,


Tks for your reply on the subject in which the products are rare to be comment in the web or SNS. Maybe the high price is the issue. Eventually, unless you have sensitive ears and love music a lot with budget to spend, or the Brumester won’t be in the list.


As I mentioned that I am familiar with the boss of the audio shop, generally he always demo the top end of the Brumester in the shop except the speaker. He told me that he is the most capable Brumester dealer in Taipei for his sales capability.


The system in the shop is 077 pre and the 001 CD player and the speaker is B & W 802 D2, when the they warm up, the sound produced very like analogue tastes. The boss is good in sound tuning. He can persuade his former customers to upgrade their former audio gear to a more high end one. Of course, the customers must be able to afford for even the trade in gear are quite high to salary man’s wallet.


If the 061 CD hasn’t been sold after a 1~2 months, I might have opportunity to ask a

Test listening with my system, if it sound right with my combo, I will have interest to buy one and write my listening experience for sharing. Tks. For your patience.



Dear @faust168 it is B u r mester not Brumester, forgive me for pointing this out. Eish!
Dieter Burmester was a perfectionist about  his Audio Produkts and all show what I mean here.
I'm using his 961 speakers bought in 1996 in Munich at the time. 
BTW, the good man died of a heart attack in mid 2015 but his works continue in Berlin.
His products are most highly regarded in German Audiophile circles.
What has all this to do with your post?
I say, if I could lay MY hands on any of his products for a price I could afford (negotiate of course) I totally would go for it.
His electronics (and speakers) are absolute classics, and some are even on display at the NY museum for technology. 
What more can I say, really exceptional products, particularly those from his living aera...
If may add few comments, as I have had 061 player, as well as 001.
In fact, I had 001 twice and after owning Dcs Puccini with clock, if I could I would buy Burmester 001 for a third time.
As for your question...
I live in Europe and here its possible to buy Burmester gear for more reasonable price.
In that regard, the 061 is certainly a nice player, but imho you could find better ones for 8t usd, in Usa
The 001 is much better player, even more when its used with 011 preamp (had it too)
The service itself should not be a problem, because the Burmester has spare parts and the sevice could be done, like with Arc, for a price, of course.
Also, much depends on the rest of your sytem, so I cant comment how it would sound, but if you are considering to use it as dac (it has usb port) than I woud suggest you even stronger that you search for other solutions

Dear Alexatpos,

Thank you for your kind share of your wonderful experience.
In our country, audio equip. needed to paid import duty and commodity tax + VAT 5%. In addition, the electronic gears has to do EMC exam which would cost importer extra burden while the people who likes to enjoy the audio is getting less and less now. That is why the audio selling price is almost 30% higher than those in EU or U.S.A. even the EU also has high VAT tax.  Taiwan is a small  volume market for those high end gears especially when the price is soaring so high vs. our income. 

Unless you purchase the products from the authorized importer, your products won't get fixed by the distributor.  But there are still consumers try to buy from the private route in the audiogon or hi-fi mart...etc. with some what cheaper price with the risk of service problem. 

Burmester 061 is pretty good gear, but it;s price is  still only affordable by the high income consumers such as business owner or Dr.  for it's selling price is US$ 12,000 for the new one. But even we try to find the 2nd hand one, the price is still awesome for general salary man.  

That is why I am so cautious to  hand in inquiries for how about it's performance and the C/P value over here to prevent making mistake 

Thank you all for your kind reply.


Well, in my country (Croatia) the vat is 25% . Also we have custom taxes for non EU products...
But, it is the Burmester’s policy to increase their prices every year and their products, as good as they are. are basically the same.
New 061 costed around 7500 usd here (001 was around 11 000 usd) if we apply todays exchange rates for eur-usd
It should be considered as player of that price range, regardless of todays prices
So, as you have said, they have become sort of status simbol that only the welthy can afford and imho that should not be reason for purchase of any true music lover.
Do not know the prices of other brands there, but as I said, 8000 usd can buy you a lot of gear on sh market and you should be able to find better solutions than 061 player.
The price here,or in EU in Sh is around 3500-5000 usd for it and even for that price, there is lot of strong competition, imho.

here is the link from domestic review, you can use the google translator