MSB vs dCS Bartok

Thinking about the MSB Premier vs dCS Bartok in a active ATC speaker rig.

I want to consolidate my system down from a Naim NDS/252 front end. 
So as a one box DAC/streamer/preamp. which should be better ?

imo if you could get into a bartok without too much pain i’d do it without hesitation. it’s a great long term purchase. dcs strongly recommends using the onboard digital volume control but i remain a little skeptical. the bartok is universally praised and will maintain its value better than any other dac that i can think. of course this is only my humble opinion. 
Brinkman Nyquist Mk2 has a lot of fans and is supposed to sound very good indeed and of course has tubes if that's your thing.

But has always it's about synergy and imho the most important thing I have learned is that you have to demo at home in your own room....

Good luck.