Opinions please - Rowland 625 S2 vs Luxman M900u ?

Any thoughts on this comparison?
i’ve had both and have a high regard for them. jeff is a brilliant designer and a great guy to boot. His gear is beyond reproach in all respects. 
Regardless I have been fortunate enough to have a Corus/625s2 duo and a luxman c-900u/m-900u in the same basic system and for ‘my’ taste the luxman duo suited me better bc it was a little brighter which provided more apparent detail as you would expect. if anything my system is pretty neutral with the upper frequencies being a bit soft so naturally out of two outstanding amps the brighter one better suited me. i will say this. i think the Corus is a little soft/veiled whereas the c-900u lays it all out there is a very musical and transparent way. i do prefer the lux pre. i would have loved hearing the luxman preamp with the 625 but i suppose that would have been weird. 
Thank you so much for your opinion. 
I appreciate your experience with both brands and understand your explanation.

My main preamp is a GAT2 and I think that might be better suited to the Luxman which has RCA inputs. The Rowland has only XLR inputs and I don’t like using adapters.

Sonically, I think the GAT2 will be wonderful on the Luxman M-900u.