SS amp for Merlin VSMs?

Is there anyone who has found an SS amp that they prefer to tube amps with their Merlins? I have most recently owned CAT JL2, Atma-spehre M-60, Music Reference RM9 Special Edition and RM10MKII, Quicksilver V4s, and the Ars Sonum integrated (In each and everyone sound terrific with the Merlins). For SS, I did try Pass XA30.5 and First Watt Aleph J, but did not prefer them to my tube amps (I now use Music Reference RM10s - summer; and the Atma-spehere M60s the rest of the year).

So, any great SS sucess stories with the Merlins up against the kind of tube gear I have owned? Or is that just a elusive chase?
I had Merlins Vsm Mx speakers for several years and I ran them Quicksilver Triodes, Cary Sixpacs and heard the Belles 150A Hot Rod extensively and I can tell you that the highs were absolutely, positively never aggressive. The esotar tweeter is smooth and non fatiguing.
I have to agree, the Esotar is known to be among the very best tweeters available - no tweeter gets that hard earned reputation being agressive. The Merlin is balanced from top to bottom, one of the qualities that make it such a desirable speaker.
Yes, I did hear them myself and there was no hint of aggressive highs. In fact, they were outstanding each time I heard them.
I am not really sure if it is the tweeter to be blamed. even with the TSM MMes getting the amp (SS/Tube) right is necessary..Regarding the so called brightness, I would really put that to the transparency of the speaker ..with no rolloff. what you hear is what the amp is giving as output :)
With my leben using the stock Sovtek 6L6GCs the highs were kind of hard and sharp. with the Winged C's and the Russian Reflecter equivalents they are smooth and extended
Arj, this sounds to me like it could be be a cable problem, not a problem with the speakers, per se, IMHO. Out of the box I was disappointed with my Merlins until I chose the right cabling and plugs for them. Now they sound amazing. If you feed them with cables that are "bright" then "bright" will come out the other end. I have found that it takes a lot of experimenting with cables and plugs to get it right with the Merlins -- ICs, SCs and PCs. I was amazed at how much their sound changed as I changed cabling. It seems like their ability to deliver improved sound is limitless -- only limited by what they are fed with.