Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
D@grannyring  : Pity for say the least.

Your non at all ellegant " dead silence " runaway of the dialogue main subject only confirm that you are wrong in almost all your assumptions due that you have not a single fact/true evidence that can show your hyphotesis of the boutique ( read junk. ) superiority capacitors over the true humble caps as Wima, TDK, Kemet or Vishay. 

Not only those but you never posted in this thread or refuted with true facts all the facts and evidence not only posted by me but that came from other gentlemans where all confirm the superiority of those humble capacitors that I discovery through this thread.

Now I understand why you posted about your " patience " because every time you read a post here you fall in frustration " again " due that you can't in no way to refute/post my posts were with wrong information/facts.

Sorry not for your patience but for your frustrattion that you will overtake when some day in the future you learn through first hand experiences all what I posted in this thread. So long till that day and good luck.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
The " discovery " of considered non-audiophile capacitors through this thread remember me what several years ago happened in the analog Agon forum when I discovered or re-discovered:

that DD turntables were better alternative that the audiophile BD TTs, I supported down there mainly Technics and Denon and almost all gentlemans in that forum laugh about and told me things like: you are crazy, you are deaf, you are wrong, you don’t know what you are talking about, that’s a good joke and the like .

Well gues what: years latter every one down there playing/buying Technic, Denon and other DD units and even some of those gentleamsn that laughing about started to make business with plynths for those vintage DD TT ! !

That was the only " funny " experience but same happened when I started the today extremely long MM/MI cartridge thread as an alternative to the sacred LOMC cartridges.

Other example was when I posted that the vintage japanese removable headshell designs couild outperforms the contemporary new tonearm designs. Everybody laugh ( for say the least ) and latter on almost every body bougth at leastone of those vintage tonearms.

Other example was when I posted and latter started a thread about the advantages to use subwoofers in a two channel stereo systems.
People told me that subwoofers were only for home theater and not fror true audiophiles and guess what, yes same history.

I can’t now if that could happens with these non-audiophile and non-junk capacitors. We will see.

In this thread like in those analog forum examples gentlemans " only " said NO/WRONG but never posted a single fact or evidence of their criticism: just exactly like here like some of you as @grannyring ! ! !.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Dear friends I already finished my speakers crossover point to point soldered with my new discovery of caps/resistors coming by: Wima, Kemet, TDK and Vishay.

I already gave the time to listen it and already made the " final " tests and evaluation but I will not share my findings due that something unexpected just came to me during my non-sstop research about.

The selection of crossover parts was not easy when you go inside a totally new " land " and when like me you are not very good technically.

The more problematic crossover parts issue was and is to change the 100uf caps and for do it  I had to use sic radial caps to achieve 100uf +,- 1%.

In my search to follow learning about on those cap manufacturers I just found out the rigth caps to use only two caps instead six.

I already bougth it and next week will arrives and I will solder it. I only can imagine that could be there an improvement over " something " that I can't even dream how could be improved ! ! ! !

We will see.


" six radial caps in parallel to achieve 100uf +,- 1%  " ( a finger error in the lattest post. )

2 caps instead six caps?, big expectations about,
Dear friends: in good shape and with wide open mind.

Can it a capacitor or resistor improves an audio recorded signal?, what do you think?

I think it can't improves nothing in the recorded signal, it's just imposible to do it not only for a passive devices but for any other audio item.

A perfect capacitor or any active or passive device can only makes its work by its inherent characteristics was designed to: a capacitor can't works as a transistor, each device has its specific job: nothing less and nothing more.

The best job any active or passive device is to makes its job adding and losting the less to the signal that pass through it: this is the best can does it.

Almost all the audio after market devices " improves " the sound or at least that's what we think and what our experiences tell us.

But if any perfect device can't improves the quality of the recorded signal how is that we always detect/detected so many improvements every time we make changes in the audio systems?

Makes sense to you that things goes normally that way? because makes no sense to me.

So what is happening in reality? what is happening is that the added " information/coloration/distortions/ " along with the losted recorded information now is what we like it: nice overall distortions and through our audio life we are accustomed to have it and we are looking always for " improvements " when it's imposible any kind of improvement could happens.

Ok, nothing wrong with that, we like those nice distortions/colorations ( nothing is perfect. ).

If every thing the same which device do you think makes more harm to the recorded signal: a tube or a bipolar transistor?

For many of you the transistor makes more harm and perhaps you think this with out a real fact/support/foundation when in the other side some people as me think that the device that makes more harm is the tube and with facts in the " hand ". No it's not for open a new " window ", just " thinking ".

Why do you like more tube electronics than SS ones? because are really better or just because its inherent higher colorations/distortions', certainly because those higher colorations/distortions. A the end it's what the AHEE already sold to all of us.

Please take in count that almost every item in audio improves/improved through the years but tubes.

Exist a parallelism between tubes arcaic technology and boutique caps using wax/oil/paper and the like that the radios of 60+ years ago designs.

Now, Wima or TDK caps comes with no wax or oil and the like and are passive devices manufactured only to make its work and nothing more.
So these kind of capacitors can't improve our electronics/speaker items in our systems because can't add colorations and does not lost recorded signal.

When we make a change of caps using Wima instead Duelund we want that the sound been improved but this never will happens because what caps like Wima does is that lest pass the signal almost " unaltered " and this says that all the existents colorations suddenly disappeared and this new system sound reality obviously that we don't like it as before and that's why we say: Wima like capacitors are not only cheap but way inferior devices.

@paulcreed  Wima can't fulfill your expectations of sound because just can't do it. What Wima gives you is the REALITY of the quality performance levels of your or any room/system.
That we like it or not is no issue here, it's only to think about: why I don't like my system with out colorations?  and instead to say: " it's that Wima like caps are wrong " why not ask our self:

maybe somewhere in my system one or more items performs with low quality?

I'm sure things are that way and devices as Wima function as a real tools to help for I can first know which links in the system are just wrong and decide the changes for the overall quality performance level true improvement.

Well all those is my sincere take on the whole subject.
