Short List of Amps I prefer over the Pass Labs XA25 or INT 25

I am anxious to see what comes.

If your response includes the word "But" please restrain yourself.
Rogue is made in my backyard..Bucks County,PA....Garbage. I implore you all not to listen to insane people destined for a padded cell. 
I don’t really know or care much for specs. Voicing of any component is, to me, most important. For a designer to be a musician is not necessarily prerequisite but it helps. Vital is that the designer not only needs to understand what music sounds like but is able to voice their “instruments” reflecting that knowledge. Then, ultimately, an amp/speaker combination needs to reflect the taste of the listener. Obviously, an amp can only be evaluated when powering a speaker-the “two hands clapping” in any system.
It is then an interdisciplinary thing, very desirable but perhaps it rarely happens an engineer to be a musician, but it will help if he is an audio fan.  

Eric, i thought feedback was something to create the gain. I am too far from this field, but will try to have a look on some books (e.g. why the feedback is unavoidable). 

Could something similar to  switching waveform be used to create a correct and accurate digital signal from the source analog signal and "amply it digitally" without any distortion? Is there no way to amplify a digital signal directly from the digital sources (e.g., CD player), what this would really mean? Then you will again need a DAC just to output the amplified digital signal to the speakers (but i understand that "amplified digital signal" cannot exist, a binary number cannot be amplified and that  that the conventional amplification is analog).  

I was not aware of Technics class D players which is interesting. Cherry amps are produced by a US company called Digital Amplifier Company (DAC), there should be some reason for this name.  
@riaa. no padded cell here. rogue products are highly rated by stereophile currently class A and anything but garbage. my tube pre amp and tube power amp has that elusive combination of dynamics, high output, huge soundstage, transparency and world class refinement at an affordable price.
they are currently unable to keep up with demand and are building a new production facility.  

Nope. That’s Steve Hoffman Forum bottom feeder gear. Stereophile gives great reviews to anybody that advertises with them. If you gave a favorable comparison to say PS Audio then I would say OK....MAYBE. Esoteric isnt known for great amps either....just good Disc Spinners which your in a constant 2 year Upgrade cycle and constantly chasing your tail. Their amps are sterile sounding. Many of the brands you listed are Minor league to say the least. Luxman vs Rogue?? No idea what your talking about. Highly doubtful you’ve ever heard the M900U/C900U Combo....if you did you would leave your Rogue out at the Curb.

Your right they DID move. From Swanky Bucks County (VERY Expensive to live) to the middle of freakin NOWHERE in NE PA Pocono Mountain Region where property is dirt cheap.  That's progress for ya!!  A house up there is 1/4 of what it cost in Bucks and taxes are probably 80% Cheaper. Business must be booming....HAHA  Next Stop....West Virginia Coal Miner Country