My list of seller red flags

I’ve compiled a list of annoying things sellers do. If I see any of these red flags I will not buy from them. Ideally every seller should agree to not do any of these before they are allowed to sell online.

- Overpriced
- Don’t talk about any flaws
- Keep re-posting
- Use unrelated keywords in ad so ad comes up when you search for different brand
- Paranoid language like " Cash and Carry only", "No spammers", No Trades...
- Using all CAPS and !!! marks

- Used car salesman lingo like"only $xxx , a great deal, a steal , and the worse, RARE "
- Ad consists entirely of copy/pasted info. from manufacturer website
- Any textspeak
- Gimmicky pricing like $999 or $995 or the worse, random price like $927
- Saying price is "Firm"..

- Reducing price by insignificant amount to bump ad
- Tooting own horn, i.e describing how awesome their product is.. Comes across as desperate to me..
- Seller saying they will lose money or taking a big loss .. Not my problem..

- Selling several items in one ad and updating the ad to say "SOLD" on certain items.
I agree! I will add “vintage” to something that is 20 years old. IMHO, vintage should be from the Golden Era, not something made in 2000. Another turn off is “email or call for price“. If I have to go through the time of playing phone tag or waiting for an answer via email, I won’t bother. Another is someone charging “PayPal or Credit Card fees”. That is illegal on Audiogon, yet many members get away with it.
In the case of someone selling McIntosh without the original carton, that is a definite nope. No matter how much bubble wrap one uses, the glass front panel will definitely break during shipping. Lastly, is someone who is too lazy to write any description, just posts a picture and price. No thank you, I detest laziness.
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My advice is targeted more to the sellers than the buyers.. Way too many cluttering up the marketplace. Makes it hard to find the few decent ads out there.
Ideally we could "report" such ads ..