Plinius Int 9200 or McIntosh 6600 for Dynaudio C1

Hi, I'm looking for used integrated amplifier to drive Dynaudio Confidence C1. Any one ever try to use Plinius 9200 or McIntosh 6600? Thanks.
03-11-11: Inpieces
Kiwi, I don't see why a better CDP should solve what Noelpastor described?
The Plnius amp has a specific sound, i rather invest in a better amp than another CDP.

A better CDP was not the point I was trying to make. Nothing wrong with the Accuphase per se. The point is that one often hears descriptions of "amplifier sound" which in many instances is really more correctly attributable to the character of the upstream hardware.
So which amp did you go with? Have not heard the 9200, have heard a Plinius amp, quite nice. Certain you can't go too far astray with either, but I would choose the Mac and in fact did.
Have you considered the Audio Research DSI200? Lots of power to drive the C1's.
Sorry for jumping in!
I think Dynaudio use to demo with Audio Moon.